Sales & Marketing Management

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The foregoing scenario is commonly encountered in retail stores. It is a good
illustration that store merchandisers must select the right price point along with
all the other factors that they need to consider in product merchandising.


In Store Merchandising, we have only touched on a very complex subject. We
have discussed a brief overview of:

By now, you will realize the importance of good merchandising in your
business. The intention of these topics is to pique your interest and give you
some insight into the subject of store merchandising.

You are encouraged to expand your knowledge of store merchandising
Û Research at your local library
Û Publications aimed at your industry
Û Courses at your local college
Û Consulting professionals in store design and merchandising

Key elements of store merchandising:
Store layout Store fixtures
Specialty and promotional product placement
Arranging products on shelves to promote sales
Consumer perceptions of value
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