1. The Art of Selling
In the Art of Selling, we will explain how to make your job of selling more
interesting, develop your skills and increase your sales. Satisfaction comes
from doing a job with professionalism and skill: achievements that will assist
you and your staff in attaining.
It is important for everyone in a company to
feel that they are selling products or services
that people feel good about—products that
deliver performance, value, beauty, or assist
in realizing goals, or special projects.
You should promote the idea that you and your staff are in a unique position to
help customers realize their vision, their needs, or their goals by the sales staff
applying good selling techniques.
Happiness is a satisfied customer and increased sales.
This Art of Selling material demonstrates selling as an orderly process.
However, it would be a mistake to think that good selling involves simply
learning how to apply a formula and that the results will come.
Rather, the art of selling intends to raise your awareness of the dynamics of
the selling process. It will give you an idea about applying good selling
techniques in every area of customer relations and service such as:
Identifying and addressing customer needs
Dealing with customer concerns and complaints
Identifying and solving problems
Promoting and delivering excellent customer service