Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Sales communication techniques

Sales communication techniques will present some useful techniques to use
when communicating with customers. We will look at the dos and don'ts of:

Û Listening
Û Sales communication
Û Interacting with customers

As you go through this material, think of recent selling situations you have
encountered. Compare the suggestions made here to the way in which you
handle a selling situation.

As a salesperson, you must know what your customer wants, and that means
asking questions and listening to the answers. There have been times when
salespeople have talked customers both into and out of sales simply by taking
so long that the customer lost their enthusiasm to buy.

  1. Give other people a chance to talk

Encourage other people to talk. No matter what it is you are trying to put
across in words, it is only your listener's reactions, their questions,
comments, or opinions that tell you whether you have succeeded.

  1. Listen attentively when your chance comes to listen

The job of listening is not a passive one.
It is simply a matter of waiting until the other person has finished speaking.
What other people are saying reflects what is in their minds and their
comments deserve very careful attention.

  1. Listen both to what is actually said and to what is hinted at or
    Not everything is said in words. How the spoken words gives the listener
    some clue about their actual meaning.
    Any gestures or facial expressions should add to the interpretation.

There are several rules that salespeople should use:
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