Reviewing this material a few times will improve your skills. In addition,
experience will enhance your skills and comfort zone.
These skills are not easy for most people to master. They require regular
practice to implement effectively. It requires skill to achieve these ideas and
not have customers feel interrogated.
In The Art of Selling, you have examined typical selling situations.
The intent of this material was to illustrate how the salesperson controls and
directs the flow of the conversation using questioning techniques.
You may have learned abut some new ideas that will
give you a new perspective on the selling process and
how it relates to your job function. Use these ideas to
sharpen your skills so that you will find the challenge of
presenting and selling your products and services more
You have learned about how to:
Use probing questions to draw out information from the customer and
identify their needs
Present product features and benefits to the customer
Direct customers towards making positive choices
Handle customer objections
Use effective techniques to close a sale
Handle customer complaints
Use effective sales communication
GGoooodd SSeelllliinngg!!