Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. Do your homework on the client with whom you are dealing.

  2. If you have to check out anything for a client:

Set a definite time to get back to the client and do so whether or not you
have been successful.

  1. Let the client know your progress. They not only appreciate it but they can
    schedule their work accordingly.

  2. When you get back to the client, lay out clear options, choices, and
    alternatives (well thought out in writing).

The worst possible action you can take is to leave the customer hanging or
promise something that you are not sure you can deliver.

FFFooorrr eeexxxaaammmpppllleee:::

Verify the credentials of the
person with whom you are dealing.
Their attitudes
What they expect from a supplier
How they treat other suppliers

What product allowances they
How they pay their bills
What performance guarantees
they give?
Work they have in progress
Work that is pending

FFFooorrr eeexxxaaammmpppllleee::: (^)
Product availability Features and benefits
Exact delivery situation Price
Exactly what you can do for them and when
GGiivvee tthhee ccuussttoommeerr tthhee cchhooiiccee!!
LLeett tthheemm ddeecciiddee!!

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