TTThhheee CCCoooeeerrrccceeerrr (^)
The cccoooeeerrrccceeerrr is a person who controls or restrains by force, a person who want
their instructions followed.
Most people would find this approach distasteful whether they are on the giving
or receiving end. It is proven throughout history that to take constantly this
approach is not an effective way to get long-term results. Berating and
intimidating employees with threats of job loss or other dire consequences loses
its effect rather quickly and actually is more of a de-motivator if continued for
However, the coercer is a valid management style and is the style of choice in
certain circumstances.
The leaders in these situations often must take charge and issue direct orders,
whether or not they turn out to be right or wrong. There is no time for
discussion or interference from others. Failure to act immediately may result in
loss of life or major property damage.
Even in a business environment, there can be infrequent occasions when the
manager may have to be the coercer and demand immediate action. However,
always be aware to use this mode of behaviour very sparingly or it quickly
loses its effect.
FFFooorrr iiinnnssstttaaannnccceee
In crises, there is no time for discussion. Severe damage to property
or individuals may occur if immediate action is not taken.
In these circumstances, often no dissension can be allowed. Typical
examples of these situations would be:
a. Military field operations
b. Some firefighting and policing operations
c. Medical emergencies