Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

The trained employee:

Û The ddeemmooccrraatt management style may be used, as an employee
becomes competent and consistent in their performance. The
employee may gradually be more involved in the decision-making
Û The ccooaacchh and ffaacciilliittaattoorr management styles would
continue to be used as appropriate.

The promoted employee:

The cycle starts again, when promoting the employee to a
new position for which they may have little experience.

The manager may become the (^) aauutthhoorriittaarriiaann again to
some extent to ensure that the employee gets the direction
he/she needs.
Managing and directing people effectively is a very complex
issue. Consider that in the workplace we have:
Û People at all different levels of the organization
Û Each person is at a different level of growth
Û Each person has different job skills
Û Each person has a different level of experience
Û Each person has very different personal attributes
At every level, a manager must be sensitive to these differences if they are to
get the best performance from their employees.
They must learn to adapt their management styles to the needs of the people
and the situation.
The nuts and bolts issues of business are simple compared to the effective
management of people and managing people effectively is a manager's
biggest single challenge.
MMaannaaggiinngg^ ppeeooppllee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy^ iiss^ vviittaall^ ttoo^ tthhee
ssuucccceessss ooff tthhee^ oorrggaanniizzaattiioonn^

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