Handbills and coupons
Handbills and coupons are letter size or smaller sheets of paper that are often
printed on both sides.
Advertising distribution companies will combine a number of small-size
handbills in booklets of coupons.
This does reduce the distribution costs of your handbill but there is a danger
you will get lost among all of the other advertisers included in the booklet.
Often, letter-size handbills are inserted into newspapers like flyers but this
is often too costly for small businesses. More often, target handbills to
residential areas and delivered privately by distribution companies.
Handbills are truly a shotgun approach to getting your message across. It is
typical for a business to get a ½% return on the number of flyers
If 5,000 flyers were distributed, 25 customers might respond to the Ad. Of
those 25, all of them would not necessarily buy.
Targeting only those potential customers that would be interested in your
offerings can significantly increase the success ratio of handbills.
Lists of target market groups are available from companies specializing in
compiling such lists.
A selected list like this is
sometimes referred to as a
massaged list of customers.
Using a massaged list of
customers can frequently
increase response to a
handbill mailing from ½%
to 5% or more.
Depending on the offerings
you are marketing, it may
well be worth the cost of a
massage list, which can be
several thousand dollars.
In this example, if a massaged list of 1,000 was used, suppose that only 50
responded and of those 50 people, 25 bought a $2,000 jacket.
The store could possibly have generated $50,000 in sales for an expenditure
of less than 10% of the selling price including the production cost of a high-
quality mailing piece.
EEExxxaaammmpppllleee::: (^)
A men's clothing store specializing in high-end
products such as sport jackets that would
retail for $2,000 or more might very well pay
for a 'massaged' list of customers. This list
might include people in higher earning
professions such as:
CEO's and presidents of
Senior executives
Some high-earning sales fields