Bristow, Joseph, "'Churlsgrace': Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Working-Class
Male Body," ELH 59 (1992), 693-711.
Brown, Daniel, Hopkins's Idealism: Philosophy, Physics, Poetry (Oxford: Clar-
endon Press, 1997).
Fennell, Francis L., ed., Rereading Hopkins: Selected New Essays (Victoria, British
Columbia: University of Victoria, 1996).
Harris, Daniel A., Inspirations Unbidden: The "Terrible" Sonnets of Gerard
Manley Hopkins (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1982).
Hollahan, Eugene, ed., Gerard Manley Hopkins and Critical Discourse (New York:
AMS Press, 1993). Collection of recent criticism.
Martin, Robert Bernard, Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Very Private Life (London:
HarperCollins, 1991).
Sprinker, Michael, A Counterpoint of Dissonance: The Aesthetics and Poetry of
Gerard Manley Hopkins (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press,
White, Norman, Hopkins: A Literary Biography (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).
Zaniello, Tom, Hopkins in the Age of Darwin (Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa
Press, 1988).
Rudyard Kipling
Keating, Peter, Kipling the Poet (London: Seeker and Warburg, 1994).
Orel, Harold, ed., Critical Essays on Rudyard Kipling (New York: G.K. Hall,
1994). Includes three essays on Kipling's poetry.
Parry, Ann, The Poetry of Rudyard Kipling (Buckingham: Open University Press,
L.E.L (Letitia Elizabeth Landon)
Stephenson, Glennis, Letitia Landon: The Woman behind L.E.L. (Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 1995).
Amy Levy
Bristow, Joseph, '"All out of Tune in this World's Instrument': The 'Minor' Poetry
of Amy Levy," Journal of Victorian Culture 5 (1999), 76-103.
Scheinberg, Cynthia, "Canonizing the Jew: Amy Levy's Challenge to Victorian
Poetic Identity," Victorian Studies 39 (1996), 173-200.
William Morris
Boos, Florence S., "The Argument of The Earthly Paradise" Victorian Poetry 23
(1985), 75-92.
Boos, Florence S., "Sexual Polarities in The Defence of Guenevere" Browning
Institute Studies 13 (1985), 181-200.
Boos, Florence S. and Carole G. Silver, eds., Socialism and the Literary Artistry of
William Morris (Columbia, MI: University of Missouri Press, 1990).
Riede, David G., "Morris, Modernism, and Romance," ELH 51 (1984), 85-106.