Educated by Tara Westover

(Dquinnelly1!) #1

strep and mono. “I’m taking penicillin,” I said. “I just wanted you to

She began talking rapidly but I didn’t hear much of it, I was so tired.
When she seemed to be winding down, I said “I love you” and hung up.

Two days later a package arrived, express from Idaho. Inside were
six bottles of tincture, two vials of essential oil, and a bag of white clay.
I recognized the formulas—the oils and tinctures were to fortify the
liver and kidneys, and the clay was a foot soak to draw toxins. There
was a note from Mother: These herbs will flush the antibiotics from
your system. Please use them for as long as you insist on taking the
drugs. Love you.

I leaned back into my pillow and fell asleep almost instantly, but
before I did I laughed out loud. She hadn’t sent any remedies for the
strep or the mono. Only for the penicillin.

I AWOKE THE NEXT MORNING to my phone ringing. It was Audrey.

“There’s been an accident,” she said.
Her words transported me to another moment, to the last time I’d
answered a phone and heard those words instead of a greeting. I
thought of that day, and of what Mother had said next. I hoped Audrey
was reading from a different script.

“It’s Dad,” she said. “If you hurry—leave right now—you can say

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