Educated by Tara Westover

(Dquinnelly1!) #1

To my brothers Tyler, Richard and Tony I owe the greatest debt for

making this book possible, first in the living of it, then in the writing of
it. From them and their wives, Stefanie, Kami and Michele, I learned
much of what I know about family.

Tyler and Richard in particular were generous with their time and
their memories, reading multiple drafts, adding their own details, and
in general helping me make the book as accurate as possible. Though
our perspectives may have differed in some particulars, their
willingness to verify the facts of this story enabled me to write it.

Professor David Runciman encouraged me to write this memoir and
was among the first to read the manuscript. Without his confidence in
it, I might never have had confidence in it myself.

I am grateful to those who make books their life’s work and who
gave a portion of that life to this book: my agents, Anna Stein and
Karolina Sutton; and my wonderful editors, Hilary Redmon and Andy
Ward at Random House, and Jocasta Hamilton at Hutchinson; as well
as the many other people who worked to edit, typeset and launch this
story. Most notably, Boaty Boatwright at ICM was a tireless champion.
Special thanks are owed to Ben Phelan, who was given the difficult task
of fact-checking this book, and who did so rigorously but with great
sensitivity and professionalism.

I am especially grateful to those who believed in this book before it
was a book, when it was just a jumble of home-printed papers. Among
those early readers are Dr. Marion Kant, Dr. Paul Kerry, Annie
Wilding, Livia Gainham, Sonya Teich, Dunni Alao and Suraya Sidhi

My aunts Debbie and Angie came back into my life at a crucial
moment, and their support means everything. For believing in me,
always, thanks to Professor Jonathan Steinberg. For granting me
haven, emotional as well as practical, in which to write this book, I am
indebted to my dear friend, Drew Mecham.

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