Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1

the negative thought comes to mind, repeat out loud:
cancel cancel.

  • A third technique is to deny access. You can take
    control of your attitude by simply blocking out the
    negative. When the negative thought starts coming
    into your consciousness, tell yourself you won’t take
    that thought or that person with you, into the office, or
    into your home at night.

  • Scott Peck wrote about “Thirty Golden Minutes.” He
    noted that your mind is most susceptible during the
    four to 10 minutes before falling asleep and the 16 to
    20 minutes when awaking. Consciously put in
    affirmations and positives. Repeat them, and allow
    your attitude to take on those thoughts.
    Teach your people how to change their attitudes and
    change their minds. This can be one of the most powerful
    influences you have on your people’s performances. With
    a positive mindset, they can take over their own
    responsibility to grow their skills and take their actions to
    higher levels.
    An excellent action to connect this important technique —
    your own attitude and that of your people — is to list the
    job strengths and positive character traits of one team
    member per day. This will strengthen your overall attitude
    toward him as well as give you the means to honestly
    affirm him on a regular basis.
    An example of this is shown on the following form. It
    illustrates what you could note about Robert. Read what
    was written, then consider one of your associates. Who is
    an employee who has been on your mind? Write down
    four compliments that you can honestly give that
    employee. Our brains tend to focus on negative memories
    rather than on the potential for new tomorrows. If you
    were told to write down four reasons why that same
    person is a problem employee, it would probably be
    much easier.

Coaching, Mentoring and Managing


“Most folks are
about as happy as
they make up their
minds to be.”
— Abraham








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