Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1
Closed-Ended Open-Ended
(Challenging) Questions (Inviting) Questions
Are you responsible What can you tell me about
for this error? this problem?

Will this step solve What can we do to make
the problem? sure this will solve the problem?

Do you understand what Is there anything about the
you’re supposed to do? job that might still be a little unclear?
Are you going to meet What steps would help you
the deadline? meet the deadline?
Have you finished Where are you on the Acme
the Acme job? project?

How Can You Establish the Need for Change?

To establish a need for change, you can show how the specific
behavior affects three areas.

  1. The individual

  2. The group

  3. The organization
    Consequences stated in this way etch the full impact of the
    behavior in the team member’s mind — and put the focus on the
    problem instead of the individual.
    I should have finished this manuscript a long time ago,
    Ellen. You’ve been more than patient. I’m sure I can finish
    it soon now.
    Give me an idea how soon that might be?

Coaching, Mentoring and Managing


Put the focus on
the problem
instead of the
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