Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1


The Results of Effective Counseling .................................................................

If you are an effective counselor, you can expect a myriad of
results. Five of the most obvious benefits include:

  1. Shared ownership of goals
    Team members ... maybe for the first time ... will begin
    to understand how performance goals relate to them
    individually and how to achieve those goals.

  2. New errors don’t become old errors
    Your team members will develop an awareness of what
    constitutes good and bad work, and will be more inclined
    to: 1) want to please you, 2) increase team productivity,
    and 3) halt negative behavior before it becomes habitual.

  3. Employees become teammates
    Successful counseling promotes the importance of
    individuals contributing to the whole. Counseling reduces
    the individual’s sense of being a “lone ranger,” whether
    performing poorly or well. All behavior affects the team
    and the team members know it.

  4. Strong goal orientation
    Counselors who experience the greatest success have
    helped team members leap roadblocks by setting and
    achieving meaningful short- and long-term goals. They
    teach the power of goal setting. What’s that? Perhaps this
    power is best illustrated by recalling the old riddle: “How
    do you eat an elephant?” The answer: “One bite at a time.”
    Good counselors acknowledge the long-term goal (eating
    the elephant), but focus on the short-term measures (one
    bite at a time) that make the final vision achievable. Once
    the team experiences the power of goal setting, it becomes
    a familiar, trustworthy team tool.

  5. Confrontations are fewer and increasingly positive
    The good news is that effective confrontation minimizes
    repeat sessions.

The Counselor Role: Confrontation and Correction

Always work with
the construction
gang and not the
wrecking crew.

“Action may not
always bring
success, but there
is no success
without it.”
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