specific needs, a generic “Talent Inventory” might include
questions like the following:
- What are your special job strengths as a member of our
team? - What would you say your weaker areas might be?
- If you were tackling a project to (name a project relative
to your environment), what responsibilities would you
enjoy most? Which would you feel most qualified for?
Least qualified for? - If your team could know only one thing about you, what
should that one thing be? - If you could expand your knowledge and skill level in any
area of our duties as a team, what area would you like that
to be?
Working together will naturally reveal more about the talents
and potentials of your entire team, but little tools like the above
questionnaire can greatly help. You may discover that Jane can
supervise projects and Joe has a knack for details. When you start
tapping the creativity and uniqueness of the people on your team,
you create a dynamic called “synergy.” The creativity of each
member contributes to the creativity of the group, becoming
something greater than what you or any one individual could
accomplish. This is another example of the value of diversity on a
team. As a coach, you can capitalize on diversity to have a high-
performing team where members learn from one another.
It is helpful in grasping this concept to think of the words
“symphony” and “energy” coming together in one word —
“synergy.” It’s as if you are a conductor, coaxing the individual
notes (energy) from each person who contributes to the whole
(symphony). Don’t be a boss who thinks that everyone has to
conform, who is threatened by or distrustful of the creativity of the
Team members who excel in the organizational aspects of a
task should ideally be involved in planning, scheduling, tracking,
etc. Team members whose talents are primarily creative might be
involved in concept development and product refinement. Even
when such specialization isn’t possible ... when the job
1 Coaching, Mentoring and Managing
Let your people
express their
within the project