Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1
Once you have clearly identified where each team member is
in her individual development and how that performance impacts
the team, you will be ready to move on with specific steps that
maximize each team member’s growth potential. Remember, the
performance level and the individual guide you in choosing a
StaffCoach™ role.

Steps in the StaffCoach™ Model to

Maximize Potential

Step No. 1. “Assess Present Performance,” is where success
starts, as illustrated on the Five-Step StaffCoaching™ Model
shown here. Once you have established your employee’s present
performance level, you are ready to 2) coach, 3)
mentor or 4) counsel, as the situation warrants.
This is why different behaviors are required for
different people and different behaviors may be
required for the same person. How you coach
depends on your assessment of the situation, the
requirements and the results. This explains why
even though predictable bosses are appreciated
and enjoyed, they aren’t always effective.
Teaching the old leadership styles of autocrat,
democrat or free rein fall short regardless of
personality or need because of the reality of
diversity within an individual and within a team.
You may use only one approach with an
individual and you may use two or all three with
the same person. It depends on her performance.
Step No. 2.If a person is achieving average
or standard performance, you’ll respond in the role of coach.
Step No. 3.For those delivering above-average performance,
you respond in the role of mentor.
Step No. 4. Team members operating at below standard
performance need your involvement in the role of counselor.

Coaching, Mentoring and Managing


The Coaching Process

Coaching Mentoring Counseling



The way to get
anywhere is to
start from where
you are.
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