Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


no longer the nebulous units described by Mendel purely in
terms of their visible expression (phenotypic expression). It is
now possible to understand their molecular structure and func-
tion in considerable detail. The biological role of genes is to
carry, encode, or control information on the composition of
proteins. The proteins, together with their timing of expression
and amount of production are possibly the most important
determinants of the structure and physiology of organisms.
Each structural gene is responsible for one specific protein or
part of a protein and codes for a single polypeptide chain via
messenger RNA (mRNA). Some genes code specifically for
transfer RNA (tRNA) or ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and some
are merely sequences, which are recognized by regulatory pro-
teins. The latter are termed regulator genes. In higher organ-
isms, or eukaryotes, genes are organized in such a way that at
one end, there is a region to which various regulatory proteins
can bind, for example RNA polymerase during transcription,
and at the opposite end, there are sequences encoding the ter-
mination of transcription. In between lies the protein encoding
sequence. In the genes of many eukaryotes this sequence may
be interrupted by intervening non-coding sequence segments
called introns, which can range in number from one to many.
Transcription of eukaryotic DNA produces pre–mRNA con-
taining complementary sequences of both introns and the
information carrying sections of the gene called exons. The
pre–mRNA then undergoes post–transcriptional modification
or processing in which the introns are excised and exons are
spliced together, leaving the complete coding transcript of
connected exons ready to code directly for the protein. When
the central dogma of genetics was first established, a “one
gene–one enzyme” hypothesis was proposed, but today it is
more accurate to restate this as a one to one correspondence
between a gene and the polypeptide for which it codes. This is
because a number of proteins are now known to be constituted
of multiple polypeptide subunits coded for by different genes.

See alsoBacterial artificial chromosome (BAC); Chromo-
somes, eukaryotic; Chromosomes, prokaryotic; DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic acid); Evolution and evolutionary mecha-
nisms; Gene amplification; Genetic code; Genetic mapping;
Genotype and phenotype; Immunogenetics; Microbial genet-
ics; Molecular biology, central dogma of; Molecular biology
and molecular genetics




GGenetic codeENETIC CODE

The genetic code is the set of correspondences between the
nucleotide sequences of nucleic acids such as DNA (deoxyri-
bonucleic acid), and the amino acid sequences of polypep-
tides. These correspondences enable the information encoded

in the chemical components of the DNA to be transferred to
the ribonucleic acidmessenger (mRNA), and then to be used
to establish the correct sequence of amino acids in the
polypeptide. The elements of the encoding system, the
nucleotides, differ by only four different bases. These are
known as adenine (A), guanine, (G), thymine (T) and cytosine
(C), in DNA or uracil (U) in RNA. Thus, RNA contains U in
the place of C and the nucleotide sequence of DNA acts as a
template for the synthesis of a complementary sequence of
RNA, a process known as transcription. For historical reasons,
the term genetic code in fact refers specifically to the sequence
of nucleotides in mRNA, although today it is sometimes used
interchangeably with the coded information in DNA.
Proteins found in nature consist of 20 naturally occur-
ring amino acids. One important question is, how can four
nucleotides code for 20 amino acids? This question was raised
by scientists in the 1950s soon after the discovery that the
DNA comprised the hereditary material of living organisms. It
was reasoned that if a single nucleotide coded for one amino
acid, then only four amino acids could be provided for.
Alternatively, if two nucleotides specified one amino acid,
then there could be a maximum number of 16 (4^2 ) possible
arrangements. If, however, three nucleotides coded for one
amino acid, then there would be 64 (4^3 ) possible permutations,
more than enough to account for all the 20 naturally occurring
amino acids. The latter suggestion was proposed by the
Russian born physicist, George Gamow (1904–1968) and was
later proved correct. It is now well known that every amino
acid is coded by at least one nucleotide triplet or codon, and
that some triplet combinations function as instructions for the
termination or initiation of translation. Three combinations in
tRNA, UAA, UGA and UAG, are termination codons, while
AUG is a translation start codon.
The genetic code was solved between 1961 and 1963.
The American scientist Marshall Nirenberg (1927– ), working
with his colleague Heinrich Matthaei, made the first break-
through when they discovered how to make synthetic mRNA.
They found that if the nucleotides of RNA carrying the four
bases A, G, C and U, were mixed in the presence of the enzyme
polynucleotide phosphorylase, a single stranded RNA was
formed in the reaction, with the nucleotides being incorporated
at random. This offered the possibility of creating specific
mRNA sequences and then seeing which amino acids they
would specify. The first synthetic mRNA polymer obtained
contained only uracil (U) and when mixed in vitrowith the pro-
tein synthesizing machinery of Escherichia coliit produced a
polyphenylalanine—a string of phenylalanine. From this it was
concluded that the triplet UUU coded for phenylalanine.
Similarly, a pure cytosine (C) RNA polymer produced only the
amino acid proline so the corresponding codon for cytosine had
to be CCC. This type of analysis was refined when nucleotides
were mixed in different proportions in the synthetic mRNA and
a statistical analysis was used to determine the amino acids
produced. It was quickly found that a particular amino acid
could be specified by more than one codon. Thus, the amino
acid serine could be produced from any one of the combina-
tions UCU, UCC, UCA, or UCG. In this way the genetic code
is said to be degenerate, meaning that each of the 64 possible

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