Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Alpha and beta globulins function as enzymesand pro-
teins that transport compounds in the body. Gamma globulins
act as the antibodydefense against antigen invasion.
Beta globulins are also manufactured predominantly in
the liver. Akin to the alpha type globulins, there are beta-1 and
beta-2 globulins. Examples of beta globulins include a protein
that binds iron in the body, factors involved with the immune
targeting of foreign material for immune destruction, and a
species of immunoglobulin antibody termed IgM.
Gamma globulins are manufactured in cells of the
immune system known as lymphocytes and plasma cells.
These globulins, which are known as IgM, IgA, and IgG, rep-
resent antibodies. Depending on the nature of the invading
antigen, a specific immun globulin will be produced in great
numbers by a specific lymphocyte or plasma cell. Infection
with a different antigen will stimulate the production of a dif-
ferent immune globulin. As the infection eases, the production
of the immun globulin will decrease.
The quantities of the various globulins in the blood can
be diagnostic of malfunctions in the body or specific diseases.
Examples of maladies that affect the globulin levels are
chronic microbial infections, liver disease, autoimmune disor-
ders, leukemias, and rheumatoid arthritis.

See alsoImmunity: active, passive, and delayed; Immunity,
cell mediated; Immunity, humoral regulation; Immuno-
chemistry; Immunogenetics; Immunoglobulins and immuno-
globulin deficiency syndromes; Immunologic therapies;
Immunological analysis techniques; Laboratory techniques in


The glycocalyx is a carbohydrate-enriched coating that covers
the outside of many eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells,
particularly bacteria. When on eukaryotic cells the glycocalyx
can be a factor used for the recognition of the cell. On bacte-
rial cells, the glycocalyx provides a protective coat from host
factors. The possession of a glycocalyx on bacteria is associ-
ated with the ability of the bacteria to establish an infection.
The glycocalyx of bacteria can assume several forms. If
in a condensed form that is relatively tightly associated with
the underlying cell wall, the glycocalyx is referred to as a cap-
sule. A more loosely attached glycocalyx that can be removed
from the cell more easily is referred to as a slime layer.
The bacterial glycocalyx can vary in structure from bac-
teria to bacteria. Even particular bacteria can be capable of
producing a glycocalyx of varying structure, depending upon
the growth conditions and nutrients available. Generally, the
glycocalyx is constructed of one or more sugars that are called
saccharides. If more than one saccharide is present, the glyco-
calyx is described as being made of polysaccharide. In some
glycocalyces, protein can also be present.
There are two prominent functions of the glycocalyx.
The first function is to enable bacteria to become harder for the
immune cells called phagocytes so surround and engulf. This is
because the presence of a glycocalyx increases the effective

diameter of a bacterium and also covers up components of the
bacterium that the immune systemwould detect and be stimu-
lated by. Thus, in a sense, a bacterium with a glycocalyx
becomes more invisible to the immune system of a host.
Infectious strains of bacteria such as Staphylococcus,
Streptococcus,and Pseudomonastend to elaborate more gly-
cocalyx than their corresponding non-infectious counterparts.
The second function of a bacterial glycocalyx is to pro-
mote the adhesion of the bacteria to living and inert surfaces
and the subsequent formation of adherent, glycocalyx-enclosed
populations that are called biofilms. Biofilm bacteria can
become very hard to kill, party due to the presence of the gly-
cocalyx material. Many persistent infections in the body are
caused by bacterial biofilms. One example is the dental plaque
formed by glycocalyx-producing Streptococcus mutans, which
can become a focus for tooth enamel-digesting acid formed by
the bacteria. Another example is the chronic lung infections
formed in those afflicted with certain forms of cystic fibrosis
by glycocalyx-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The latter
infections can cause sufficient lung damage to prove lethal.

See alsoAnti-adhesion methods; Bacterial surface layers

GGolgi, Camillo OLGI, CAMILLO(1843-1926)

Italian histologist

Among other achievements in neurobiology, Camillo Golgi
devised a method of staining nerve tissue using silver nitrate.
Golgi-stained nerve tissue revealed unique structures with
fine projections, which were later recognized as individual
cells, or neurons.
Golgi was born in Corteno, Italy, on July 7, 1843. His
hometown was later re-named Corteno-Golgi in his honor.
Golgi studied medicine at the University of Pavia, where he
received his M.D. in 1865. After graduation, he worked briefly
in a psychiatric clinic, but eventually decided to pursue a
career in histological research.
Financial difficulties forced him in 1872 to accept a
position as chief medical officer at the Hospital for the
Chronically Ill in Abbiategrasso, Italy. No research facilities
were available there, however, and he was able to continue his
studies only by converting an unused kitchen into a laboratory.
By 1875, Golgi had earned sufficient fame to receive an
appointment as lecturer in histology at the University of Pavia.
Four years later, he was appointed Professor of Anatomy at the
University of Siena, but he stayed only a year there before
returning to Pavia as Professor of Histology.
Golgi’s earliest research involved the study of neurons, or
nerve cells. Neurons present a number of problems for
researchers that other cells do not. While most cells are compact
and have a relatively fixed shape, neurons are commonly very
long and thin with structures that are difficult to see clearly. In
the 1860s, techniques used to stain and study non-nerve cells
were well developed, but they were largely useless with neu-
rons. As a result, a great deal of uncertainty surrounded the
structure and function of neurons and neuron networks.

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