Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


glove can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.
Furthermore, the act of handwashing is to be done for a spec-
ified period of time and with vigorous rubbing together of
the hands and fingers. This is because the removal of
microorganisms is accomplished not only by the presence of
the soap but also by the friction of the opposing skin surfaces
rubbing together.
Other hygienic practices in a laboratory include wiping
the lab bench with a disinfectant compound before and after use
and keeping the work area orderly and free of debris. Protective
clothing can also be worn to minimize the spread of microor-
ganisms. Such clothing includes hair nets, disposal boots and
gloves, and lab coats. These items are worn in the vicinity of the
work bench or other areas where microorganisms are expected,
but are removed when exiting such locations.
Mechanical aids to hygiene exist. For example, many
labs contain a fume hood, in which airflow is directed inward.
Such laminar flow hoods do not allow the contaminated air
inside the hood to move outward into the laboratory. Another
standard feature of a microbiological laboratory is a small
flame source. The flame is used to sterilize the lip of test tubes
and vials before and after opening the containers, and to heat-
sterilize the metal inoculating loops used to transfer microor-
ganisms from one place to another.
While necessary for the protection of patients and to
prevent contaminationin the laboratory, the use of hygienic
substances can have adverse effects. In the late 1980s the so-
called “hygiene hypothesis” proposed that the increased use of
disinfectants, particularly in the home, had decrease the expo-
sure of people to substances that stimulated their immune sys-
tem, and so had rendered the immune system less capable of
dealing with environmental antigens. The result was proposed
to be an increase in allergies. Time has strengthened this
hypothesis to the point where the overuse of disinfectants has
become a legitimate concern.
In addition to the development of allergic reactions, the
inadequate or improper use of a hygienic compound can select
for organisms that are more capable of causing disease. For
example, certain disinfectants containing the compound tri-
closan have been shown to not only fail to kill the entire target
Escherichia colipopulation, but to actually stimulate the
development of resistance in those microbes that survive. In a
setting such as a kitchen, the results could be problematic.

See alsoAcne, microbial basis of; Antiseptics; Disinfection
and disinfectants; Transmission of pathogens


One of the biological characteristics that distinguish multicel-
lular fungifrom other organisms is their constitutional cells, or
hyphae (singular, hypha). Hyphae are nucleated cells in the

shape of thin tubes, externally enveloped in a rigid chitin-rich
cell wall and presenting an internal plasmatic membrane. They
contain cellular organelles such as mitochondria, Golgi appa-
ratus, ribosomes, endoplasmatic reticulum, which is also
found in other Eukaryotesas well as cytoplasmatic vesicles
bound to the plasmatic membrane. Hyphal cytoskeleton is
organized by microtubules. Hyphae are separated by walls
termed septae (singular, septum), usually bearing pores and
regulatory structures that prevent cellular leaking due to cell
disruption. For instance, the septum of Ascomycetes contains
the Woronin body, an oily structure that blocks the pore if cell
disruption occurs, whereas Basidomyceteshave a dolipore
septum, with the hyphae containing distinctly layered wall
structures and endoplasmatic reticulum next to the pore.
Hyphal growth and proliferation form structures similar to
fine branches, which form the myceliumor vegetative hyphal
network. However, Zygomycetes and Chytridiomycetes have
non-septate vegetative mycelium, except for the reproductive
As fungi grow, the older layers of hyphae gradually die
because growth occurs through the proliferation and branch-
ing of the apical cell of the mycelium (i.e., cell at the
mycelium tip). Growth takes place when two cytoplasmatic
vesicles bound to the internal membrane fuse at the apical
hypha, enlarging the hyphal tip because of the accumulation of
biomass, leading to septum formation and branching.
Branching is due to the growth of another apical cell inside the
sub apical region of the mother cell. The growth process so far
described is directed into new regions of the organic substrate,
from which the fungus is feeding, and is termed the extension
zone. The aerial part of the fungus, consisted of older hyphae
forming aerial mycelia, may develop and differentiate to form
structures bearing spores, and is termed the productive zone.
For most fungi, the haploid spore is the starting point
from which the haploid hypha will develop and form the
monokaryotic mycelium. The joining of two haploid mycelia
leads to diploidization of the apical cells, resulting in two cells
containing two separate nuclei, known as a dikaryotic
mycelium. These cells are capable of producing spores and in
Basidomycetes, are termed basidia (singular, basidium)
whereas in Ascomycetes, they are termed ascus. Usually, a
typical basidium produces four sexual spores and the ascus
can produce eight spores, although the amount of spores can
vary among the species of a given phylum. In the basidium,
for instance, the two nuclei are duplicated and then merged
when the cell is about to undergo meiosis twice, thus resulting
in the formation of four haploid spores. Some Ascomycetes as
well as a few Basidomycetes may also produce asexual
spores; and asexual reproduction is the way Zygomycetes and
Chytridiomycetes reproduce themselves.

See alsoFungal genetics; Fungi; Mycology; Parasites; Yeast

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