Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


horse in response to the inactivated tetanus toxin. This proce-
dure is typically done if someone has been exposed to a situa-
tion where the possibility of contracting tetanus exists. Rather
than rely on the individual’s immune system to respond to the
presence of the toxin, neutralizing antibodies are administered
right away.
Active and passive immunity are versions of what is
known as antibody-mediated immunity. That is, antibodies
bind to the antigen and this binding further stimulates the
immune system to respond to the antigen threat. Antibody-
mediated immunity is also called humoral immunity.
A third type of immunity, which is known as delayed
immunity or delayed-type hypersensitivity, is represents a dif-
ferent sort of immunity. Delayed immunity is a so-called cell-
mediated immunity. Here, immune components called T-cells
bind to the surface of other cells that contain the antigen on
their surface. This binding triggers a further response by the
immune system to the foreign antigen. The response can
involve components such as white blood cells.
An example of delayed immunity is the tuberculin test
(or the Mantoux test), which tests for the presence of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuber-
culosis. A small amount of bacterial protein is injected into the
skin. If the individual is infected with the bacteria, or has ever
been infected, the injection site becomes inflamed within 24
hours. The response is delayed in time, relative to the imme-
diate response of antibody-based immunity. Hence, the name
of the immunity.

See alsoAntibody formation and kinetics; Immunization

IImmunity, cell mediatedMMUNITY, CELL MEDIATED

The immune systemis a network of cells and organs that work
together to protect the body from infectious organisms. Many
different types of organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi,
and parasitesare capable of entering the human body and
causing disease. It is the immune system’s job to recognize
these agents as foreign and destroy them.
The immune system can respond to the presence of a
foreign agent in one of two ways. It can either produce solu-
ble proteins called antibodies, which can bind to the foreign
agent and mark them for destruction by other cells. This type
of response is called a humoral response or an antibody
response. Alternately, the immune system can mount a cell-
mediated immune response. This involves the production of
special cells that can react with the foreign agent. The reacting
cell can either destroy the foreign agents, or it can secrete
chemical signals that will activate other cells to destroy the
foreign agent.
During the 1960s, it was discovered that different types
of cells mediate the two major classes of immune responses.
The T lymphocytes, which are the main effectors of the cell-
mediated response, mature in the thymus, thus the name T cell.
The B cells, which develop in the adult bone marrow, are
responsible for producing antibodies. There are several differ-
ent types of T cellsperforming different functions. These

diverse responses of the different T cells are collectively
called the “cell-mediated immune responses.”
There are several steps involved in the cell-mediated
response. The pathogen (bacteria, virus, fungi, or a parasite),
or foreign agent, enters the body through the blood stream, dif-
ferent tissues, or the respiratory tract. Once inside the body,
the foreign agents are carried to the spleen, lymph nodes, or
the mucus-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) where they
will come in contact with specialized cells known as antigen-
presenting cells (APC). When the foreign agent encounters the
antigen-presenting cells, an immune response is triggered.
These antigenpresenting cells digest the engulfed material,
and display it on their surface complexed with certain other
proteins known as the Major HistocompatibilityClass (MHC)
of proteins.
Next, the T cells must recognize the antigen.
Specialized receptors found on some T cells are capable of
recognizing the MHC-antigen complexes as foreign and bind-
ing to them. Each T cell has a different receptor in the cell
membrane that is capable of binding a specific antigen. Once
the T cell receptor binds to the antigen, it is stimulated to
divide and produce large amounts of identical cells that are
specific for that particular foreign antigen. The T lymphocytes
also secrete various chemicals (cytokines) that can stimulate
this proliferation. The cytokines are also capable of amplify-
ing the immune defense functions that can eventually destroy
and remove the antigen.
In cell-mediated immunity, a subclass of the T cells
mature into cytotoxic T cells that can kill cells having the for-
eign antigen on their surface, such as virus-infected cells, bac-
terial-infected cells, and tumor cells. Another subclass of T cells
called helper T cells activates the B cells to produce antibodies
that can react with the original antigen. A third group of T cells
called the suppressor T cells is responsible for regulating the
immune response by turning it on only in response to an antigen
and turning it off once the antigen has been removed.
Some of the B and T lymphocytes become “memory
cells,” that are capable of remembering the original antigen. If
that same antigen enters the body again while the memory
cells are present, the response against it will be rapid and
heightened. This is the reason the body develops permanent
immunity to an infectious disease after being exposed to it.
This is also the principle behind immunization.

See alsoAntibody and antigen; Antibody-antigen, biochemi-
cal and molecular reactions; Antibody formation and kinetics;
Antibody, monoclonal; Antigenic mimicry; Immune stimula-
tion, as a vaccine; Immune synapse; Immune system;
Immunity, active, passive and delayed; Immunity, humoral
regulation; Immunization; Immunochemistry

IImmunity, humoral regulationMMUNITY, HUMORAL REGULATION

One way in which the immune systemresponds to pathogens
is by producing soluble proteins called antibodies. This is
known as the humoral response and involves the activation of
a special set of cells known as the B lymphocytes, because

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