Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Immunofluorescence microscopy can revel much detail
about the processes inside cells. In a light microscopic applica-
tion of the technique, sections of sample are exposed to the flu-
orescently labeled antibody. The large wavelength of visible
light, relative to other forms of illumination such as laser light,
does not allow details to be revealed at the molecular level.
Still, details of the trafficking of a protein from the site of its
manufacture to the surface of a cell, for example, is possible,
by the application of different antibodies. The antibodies can
be labeled with the same fluorescent compound but are applied
at different times. An example of the power of this type of
approach is the information that has been obtained concerning
the pathway that the yeastknown as Saccharomyces cervisiae
uses to shuttle proteins out of the cell.
Resolution of details to the molecular level has been
made possible during the 1990s with the advent of the tech-
nique of confocal laser microscopy. This technique employs a
laser to sequentially scan samples at selected depths through
the sample. These so-called optical sections can be obtained
using laser illumination at several different wavelengths
simultaneously. Thus, the presence of different antibodies that
are labeled with fluorescent compounds that fluoresce at the
different wavelengths can produce an image of the location of
two antigens in the same sample at the same time.
The use of immunofluorescent compounds in combina-
tion with confocal microscopy has allowed the fluorescent
probing of samples which do not need to be chemically pre-
served (or “fixed”) prior to examination. The thin sections of
sample that are examined in light microscopy often require
such chemical fixation. While the fixation regimens have been
designed to avoid change of the sample’s internal structure,
especially the chemistry and three-dimensional structure of
the site of the antigen to which the antibody will bind, the
avoidance of any form of chemical modification is preferred.
There are a multitude of fluorescent compounds avail-
able. Collectively these compounds are referred to as fluo-
rochromes. A well-known example in biological and
microbiological studies is the green fluorescent protein. This
molecule is ring-like in structure. It fluoresces green when
exposed to light in the ultraviolet or blue wavelengths. Other
compounds such as fluorescein, rhodamine, phycoerythrin,
and Texas Red, fluoresce at different wavelength and can pro-
duce different colors.
Immunofluorescence can be accomplished in a one-step
or two-step reaction. In the first option, the fluorescently
labeled antibody directly binds to the target antigen molecule.
In the second option the target antigen molecule binds a so-
called secondary antibody. Then, other antigenic sites in the
sample that might also bind the fluorescent antibody are
“blocked” by the addition of a molecule that more globally
binds to antigenic sites. The secondary antibody then can itself
be the target to which the fluorescently labeled antibody binds.
The use of antibodies to antigen that are critical to dis-
ease processes in microorganismsallow immunofluorescence
to act as a detection and screening tool in the monitoring of a
variety of materials. Foe example, research to adapt immuno-
fluorescence to food monitoring is an active field. In the pres-
ent, immunofluorescence provides the means by which

organisms can be sorted using the technique of flow cytome-
try. As individual bacteria, for example, pass by a detector, the
presence of fluorescence will register and cause the bacterium
to be shuttled to a special collection reservoir. Thus, bacteria
with a certain surface factor can be separated from the other
bacteria in the population that do not possess the factor

See alsoFluorescent dyes; Microscopy


Immunogenetics is the study of the mechanisms of autoim-
mune diseases, tolerance in organ transplantation, and immu-
nityto infectious diseases—with a special emphasis on the
role of the genetic make-up of an organism in these processes.
The immune systemevolved essentially to protect vertebrates
from a myriad species of potentially harmful infectious agents
such as bacteria, virus, fungiand various eukaryotic parasites.
However, the growing understanding of the immune system
has influenced a variety of different biomedical disciplines,
and is playing an increasingly important role in the study and
treatment of many human diseases such as cancer and autoim-
mune conditions.
There are two broad types of immune systems. The
innate immune system of defense depends on invariant recep-
tors that recognize common features of pathogens, but are not
varied enough to recognize all types of pathogens, or specific
enough to act effectively against re-infection by the same
pathogen. Although effective, this system lacks both speci-
ficity and the ability to acquire better receptors to deal with the
same infectious challenge in the future, a phenomenon called
immunological memory. These two properties, specificity and
memory, are the main characteristics of the second type of
immune system, known as the specific or adaptive immune
system, which is based on antigenspecific receptors. Besides
these two families of different receptors that help in immune
recognition of foreign infectious agents, both the innate and
the adaptive immune systems rely on soluble mediators like
the different cytokinesand kemokines that allow the different
cells involved in an immune response to communicate with
each other. The major focus of immunogeneticists is the iden-
tification, characterization, and sequencing of genes coding
for the multiple receptors and mediators of immune responses.
Historically, the launch of immunogenetics could be
traced back to the demonstration of Mendelian inheritance of
the human ABO blood groups in 1910. The importance of this
group of molecules is still highlighted by their important in
blood transfusion and organ transplantation protocols. Major
developments that contributed to the emergence of immuno-
genetics as an independent discipline in immunologywere the
rediscovery of allograft reactions during the Second World
War and the formulation of an immunological theory of allo-
graft reaction as well as the formulation of the clonal selection
hypothesis by Burnett in 1959. This theory proposed that
clones of immunocompetent cells with unique receptors exist
prior to exposure to antigens, and only cells with specific
receptors are selected by antigen for subsequent activation.

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