Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


various ions matched their concentrations within the body, a
technique which eventually was adopted in almost all bio-
chemical, physiological, and pharmacological studies.
Working with a medical student named Kurt Henseleit,
Krebs systematically investigated which substances most
influenced the rate at which urea—the main solid component
of mammalian urine—forms in liver slices. Krebs noticed that
the rate of urea synthesis increased dramatically in the pres-
ence of ornithine, an amino acid present during urine produc-
tion. Inverting the reaction, he speculated that the same
ornithine produced in this synthesis underwent a cycle of con-
version and synthesis, eventually to yield more ornithine and
urea. Scientific recognition of his work followed almost
immediately, and at the end of 1932—less than a year and a
half after he began his research—Krebs found himself
appointed as a Privatdozentat the University of Freiburg. He
immediately embarked on the more ambitious project of iden-
tifying the intermediate steps in the metabolic breakdown of
carbohydrates and fatty acids.
Krebs was not to enjoy his new position in Germany for
long. In the spring of 1933, along with many other German sci-
entists, he found himself dismissed from his job because of
Nazi purging. Although Krebs had renounced the Jewish faith
twelve years earlier at the urging of his patriotic father, who
believed wholeheartedly in the assimilation of all German
Jews, this legal declaration proved insufficiently strong for the
Nazis. In June of 1933, he sailed for England to work in the
biochemistrylab of Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins of the
Cambridge School of Biochemistry. Supported by a fellowship
from the Rockefeller Foundation, Krebs resumed his research
in the British laboratory. The following year, he augmented his
research duties with the position of demonstrator in biochem-
istry. Laboratory space in Cambridge was cramped, however,
and in 1935 Krebs was lured to the post of lecturer in the
University of Sheffield’s Department of Pharmacology by the
prospect of more lab space, a semi-permanent appointment,
and a salary almost double the one Cambridge was paying him.
His Sheffield laboratory established, Krebs returned to a
problem that had long preoccupied him: how the body pro-
duced the essential amino acids that play such an important
role in the metabolic process. By 1936, Krebs had begun to
suspect that citric acid played an essential role in the oxidative
metabolism by which the carbohydrate pyruvic acid is broken
down so as to release energy. Together with his first Sheffield
graduate student, William Arthur Johnson, Krebs observed a
process akin to that in urea formation. The two researchers
showed that even a small amount of citric acid could increase
the oxygen absorption rate of living tissue. Because the
amount of oxygen absorbed was greater than that needed to
completely oxidize the citric acid, Krebs concluded that citric
acid has a catalytic effect on the process of pyruvic acid con-
version. He was also able to establish that the process is cycli-
cal, citric acid being regenerated and replenished in a
subsequent step. Although Krebs spent many more years refin-
ing the understanding of intermediary metabolism, these early
results provided the key to the chemistry that sustains life
processes. In June of 1937, he sent a letter to Naturereporting
these preliminary findings. Within a week, the editor notified

him that his paper could not be published without a delay.
Undaunted, Krebs revised and expanded the paper and sent it
to the new Dutch journal Enzymologia,which he knew would
rapidly publicize this significant finding.
In 1938, Krebs married Margaret Fieldhouse, a teacher
of domestic science in Sheffield. The couple eventually had
three children. In the winter of 1939, the university named him
lecturer in biochemistry and asked him to head their new
department in the field. Married to an Englishwoman, Krebs
became a naturalized English citizen in September, 1939,
three days after World War II began.
The war affected Krebs’s work minimally. He con-
ducted experiments on vitamin deficiencies in conscientious
objectors, while maintaining his own research on metabolic
cycles. In 1944, the Medical Research Council asked him to
head a new department of biological chemistry. Krebs refined
his earlier discoveries throughout the war, particularly trying
to determine how universal the Krebs cycle is among living
organisms. He was ultimately able to establish that all organ-
isms, even microorganisms, are sustained by the same chemi-
cal processes. These findings later prompted Krebs to
speculate on the role of the metabolic cycle in evolution.
In 1953, Krebs received the Nobel Prize in physiology
and medicine, which he shared with Fritz Lipmann, the dis-
coverer of co-enzyme A. The following year, Oxford
University offered him the Whitley professorship in biochem-
istry and the chair of its substantial department in that field.
Once Krebs had ascertained that he could transfer his meta-
bolic research unit to Oxford, he consented to the appoint-
ment. Throughout the next two decades, Krebs continued
research into intermediary metabolism. He established how
fatty acids are drawn into the metabolic cycle and studied the
regulatory mechanism of intermediary metabolism. Research
at the end of his life was focused on establishing that the meta-
bolic cycle is the most efficient mechanism by which an
organism can convert food to energy. When Krebs reached
Oxford’s mandatory retirement age of sixty-seven, he refused
to end his research and made arrangements to move his
research team to a laboratory established for him at the
Radcliffe Hospital. Krebs died at the age of eighty-one.

See alsoCell cycle and cell division; Cell membrane transport

KKrebs cycleREBS CYCLE

The Krebs cycle is a set of biochemical reactions that occur in
the mitochondria. The Krebs cycle is the final common path-
way for the oxidation of food molecules such as sugars and
fatty acids. It is also the source of intermediates in biosynthetic
pathways, providing carbon skeletons for the synthesis of
amino acids, nucleotides, and other key molecules in the cell.
The Krebs cycle is also known as the citric acid cycle, and the
tricarboxylic acid cycle. The Krebs cycle is a cycle because,
during its course, it regenerates one of its key reactants.
To enter the Krebs cycle, a food molecule must first be
broken into two- carbon fragments known as acetyl groups,
which are then joined to the carrier molecule coenzyme A

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