Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


specific setup of DNA bases upstream of the initiation site in
order for transcriptionto occur. If the number of bases was
increased or reduced from what was required, the genewould
not be transcribed. Meselson also found that there were par-
ticular DNA sequences that could be recombined or moved
around within the entire chromosome of DNA. These move-
able segments are termed transposons. Transposons, when
inserted into particular sites within the sequence, can either
turn on or turn off expression of the gene that is near it, caus-
ing mutationswithin the fly. These studies contributed to the
identity of particular regulatory and structural features of the
fruit fly as well as to the overall understanding of the proper-
ties of DNA.
Throughout his career as a scientist, Meselson has writ-
ten over 50 papers published in major scientific journals and
received many honors and awards for his contributions to the
field of molecular biology. In 1963, Meselson received the
National Academy of Science Prize for Molecular Biology,
followed by the Eli Lilly Award for Microbiology and
Immunologyin 1964. He was awarded the Lehman Award in
1975 and the Presidential award in 1983, both from the New
York Academy of Sciences. In 1990, Meselson received the
Science Freedom and Responsibility Award from the
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Meselson has also delved into political issues, particularly on
government proposals for worldwide chemical and biological
weapon disarmament.

See alsoMicrobial genetics; Transposition

MMesophilic bacteriaESOPHILIC BACTERIA

Mesophiles are microorganisms such as some species of
Bacteria, Fungi, and even some Archaeathat are best active at
median temperatures. For instance, bacterial species involved
in biodegradation (i.e., digestion and decomposition of organic
matter), which are more active in temperatures ranging from
approximately 70° - 90°F (approx. 15°–40°C), are termed
mesophilic bacteria. They take part in the web of micro-organic
activity that form the humus layer in forests and other fertile
soils, by decomposing both vegetable and animal matter.
At the beginning of the decomposition process, another
group of bacteria, psychrophylic bacteria, start the process
because they are active in lower temperatures up to 55°F
(from below zero up to 20°C), and generate heat in the
process. When the temperature inside the decomposing layer
reaches 50–100°F, it attracts mesophilic bacteria to continue
the biodegradation. The peak of reproductive and activity of
mesophilic bacteria is reached between 86–99°F (30–37°C),
and further increases the temperature in the soil environment.
Between 104–170°F (40–85°C, or even higher), another group
of bacteria (thermophyllic bacteria) takes up the process that
will eventually result in organic soil, or humus. Several
species of fungi also take part in each decomposing step.
Mesophilic bacteria are also involved in food contami-
nationand degradation, such as in bread, grains, dairies, and
meats. Examples of common mesophilic bacteria are Listeria

monocytogenes, Pesudomonas maltophilia, Thiobacillus nov-
ellus, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyrogenes,
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium
kluyveri.Bacterial infections in humans are mostly caused by
mesophilic bacteria that find their optimum growth tempera-
ture around 37°C (98.6°F), the normal human body tempera-
ture. Beneficial bacteria found in human intestinal flora are
also mesophiles, such as dietary Lactobacillus acidophilus.

See alsoArchaeobacteria; Bacteria and bacterial infection;
Biodegradable substances; Composting, microbiological
aspects; Extremophiles


Metabolism is the sum total of chemical changes that occur in
living organisms and which are fundamental to life. All
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are metabolically active. The
sole exception is viruses, but even viruses require a metaboli-
cally active host for their replication.
Metabolism involves the use of compounds. Nutrients
from the environment are used in two ways by microorgan-
isms. They can be the building blocks of various components
of the microorganism (assimilation or anabolism). Or, nutri-
ents can be degraded to yield energy (dissimilation or catabo-
lism). Some so-called amphibolic biochemical pathways can
serve both purposes. The continual processes of breakdown
and re-synthesis are in a balance that is referred to as turnover.
Metabolism is an open system. That is, there are constant
inputs and outputs. A chain of metabolic reactions is said to be
in a steady state when the concentration of all intermediates
remains constant, despite the net flow of material through the
system. That means the concentration of intermediates
remains constant, while a product is formed at the expense of
the substrate.
Primary metabolism comprises those metabolic
processes that are basically similar in all living cells and are
necessary for cellular maintenance and survival. They include
the fundamental processes of growth (e.g., the synthesis of
biopolymers and the macromolecular structures of cells and
organelles), energy production (glycolysis and the tricar-
boxylic acid cycle) and the turnover of cell constituents.
Secondary metabolism refers to the production of substances,
such as bile pigments from porphyrins in humans, which only
occur in certain eukaryotic tissues and are distinct from the
primary metabolic pathways.
Metabolic control processes that occur inside cells
include regulation of geneexpression and metabolic feedback
or feed-forward processes. The triggers of differential gene
expression may be chemical, physical (e.g., bacterial cell den-
sity), or environmental (e.g., light). Differential gene expres-
sion is responsible for the regulation, at the molecular level, of
differentiation and development, as well as the maintenance of
numerous cellular “house-keeping” reactions, which are
essential for the day-to-day functioning of a microorganism.
In many metabolic pathways, the metabolites (substances pro-
duced or consumed by metabolism) themselves can act

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