Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


tion is a means of identifying the invading particle to the
phagocyte. Without the opsonization process the recognition
and destruction of invading agents such as bacteria would be
The process of opsonization begins when the immune
systemrecognizes a particle (e.g., a bacterium) as an invader.
The recognition stimulates the production of antibodies that
are specific for the antigenic target. Certain antibodymole-
cules are stimulated to bind to the surface of the particle.
Typically, the binding molecules are a type of antibody classi-
fied as IgG. As well, proteins involved in the complement-
mediated clearance of foreign material, specifically a protein
designated C3b, can bind to the surface of the foreign object.
Proteins such as IgG and C3b, which can promote opsoniza-
tion, are designated as opsonins.
When the IgG antibodies bind to the invading bac-
terium, the binding is in a specific orientation. An antibody is
somewhat “Y” shaped. The binding of IgG to the bacterium is
via the branching arms of the “Y.” The stalk of the molecule,
which is termed the Fc region, then protrudes from the surface.
The Fc region is recognized by a receptor on the surface of an
immune cell called a phagocyte. When the Fc region is bound
to the phagocytic receptor the invading particle is taken into
the phagocyte and enzymatically digested.
The Cb3 complementprotein can bind in a nonspecific
manner to an invading particle. Phagocytes also contain sur-
face receptors that recognize and bind Cb3. As with IgG, the
binding of Cb3 to the phagocytes triggers a process whereby
the invading particle is engulfed, surrounded, and taken inside
the phagocytic cell for destruction.
Examples of phagocytic cells that can participate in
opsonization are neutrophils and monocytes.
Bacteria that are associated with the development of
infections typically possess a capsule, which is a layer of car-
bohydrate material. The capsular material encases the bacter-
ial cell. The carbohydrate is not recognized as readily by the
immune machinery of the body as is protein. As well, the pen-
etration of antibodies through the capsule network to the sur-
face of the bacterium is impeded. Thus, possession of a
capsule can dampen the opsonization response.

See alsoComplement; Immunoglobulins and immunoglobulin
deficiency syndromes; Immunity, active, passive and delayed








OOxidation-reduction reactionXIDATION-REDUCTION REACTION

Oxidation-reduction reactions are significant to physiological
reactions and biochemical pathways important to microorgan-
ismsand immune processes.
The term oxidation was originally used to describe reac-
tions in which an element combines with oxygen. In contrast,
reduction meant the removal of oxygen. By the turn of this
century, it became apparent that oxidation always seemed to
involve the loss of electrons and did not always involve oxy-
gen. In general, oxidation- reduction reactions involve the
exchange of electrons between two species.
An oxidation reaction is defined as the loss of electrons,
while a reduction reaction is defined as the gain of electrons.
The two reactions always occur together and in chemically
equivalent quantities. Thus, the number of electrons lost by one
species is always equal to the number of electrons gained by
another species. The combination of the two reactions is known
as a redox reaction. Species that participate in redox reactions
are described as either reducing or oxidizing agents. An oxi-
dizing agent is a species that causes the oxidation of another
species. The oxidizing agent accomplishes this by accepting
electrons in a reaction. A reducing agent causes the reduction
of another species by donating electrons to the reaction.
In general, a strong oxidizing agent is a species that has
an attraction for electrons and can oxidize another species.
The standard voltage reduction of an oxidizing agent is a
measure of the strength of the oxidizing agent. The more pos-
itive the species’ standard reduction potential, the stronger the
species is as an oxidizing agent.
In reactions where the reactants and products are not
ionic, there is still a transfer of electrons between species.
Chemists have devised a way to keep track of electrons during
chemical reactions where the charge on the atoms is not read-
ily apparent. Charges on atoms within compounds are
assigned oxidation states (or oxidation numbers). An oxida-
tion number is defined by a set of rules that describes how to
divide up electrons shared within compounds. Oxidation is
defined as an increase in oxidation state, while reduction is
defined as a decrease in oxidation state. Because an oxidizing
agent accepts electrons from another species, a component
atom of the oxidizing agent will decrease in oxidation number
during the redox reaction.
There are many examples of oxidation-reduction reac-
tions in the world. Important processes that involve oxidation-
reduction reactions include combustion reactions that convert
energy stored in fuels into thermal energy, the corrosion of
metals, and metabolic reactions.
Oxidation-reduction reaction occur in both physical and
biological settings (where carbon-containing compounds such
as carbohydrates are oxidized). The burning of natural gas is
an oxidation-reduction reaction that releases energy [CH 4 (g) +
2O 2 (g) →CO 2 (g) + 2H 2 O(g) + energy]. Redox reactions burn
carbohydrates that provide energy [C 6 H 12 O 6 (aq) + 6O 2 (g) →
6CO 2 (g) + 6H 2 O(l)]. In both examples, the carbon-containing
compound is oxidized, and the oxygen is reduced.

See alsoBiochemistry

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