Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1
WORLD OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY Oxygen cycle in microorganisms


the lake does not readily occur, the body of water can become
stagnant. In other words, the oxygen content of the water
becomes depleted and, without mixing, insufficient surface
level oxygen is available to replenish the supply. Fish life in
the water can suffer. Another example is the depletion of oxy-
gen from a lake by the explosive growth of algae. The algal
“bloom” can essentially make the water body incapable of
supporting life. Furthermore, if the algal species is a toxin pro-
ducer, the water can become hazardous to health. A final
example is the relationship between the oxygen cycle in
microorganisms and water pollution. Polluted water is typi-

cally enriched in nutrients that will support the rapid growth of
bacteria and other microbes. Their growth depletes the oxygen
in the water. In grossly polluted water, this depletion can be so
extensive that the water cannot support oxygen-dependent life.
Thus, the oxygen cycle in microorganisms, mainly bac-
teria, is very important in determining the quality of a water
body and so of the ability of the water to be a productive
source of life.

See also Carbon cycle in microorganisms; Composting,
microbiological aspects; Life, origin of; Nitrogen cycle in

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