Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


topoisomerase III does the proofreading of the transcribed
sequences, eliminating those containing errors. Ribonuclease H
removes RNAsequences from polymers containing complexed
RNA/DNA, and DNA-ligase unites the newly transcribed frag-
ments, thus forming the new DNA strand.
In the last decade, researchers discovered that many
proteins involved in intracellular communication are struc-
tured in a modular way. In other words, they are constituted by
relatively short amino acid sequences of about 100 amino
acids, and have the basic role of connecting one protein to
another. Some proteins of such signaling pathways are entirely
comprised of connecting modules and deprived of enzymatic
activity. These non-enzymatic modules are termed protein
dominium or protein modules, and they help enzymes in the
transmission of signals to the cell nucleusin an orderly and
controlled way. Proteins containing only connecting (or bind-
ing) modules, such as SH2 and SH3, act as important molecu-
lar adaptors to other proteins. While one of its modules binds
to a signaling complex, such as a transmembrane tyrosine-
kinase receptor, other binding modules permit the docking of
other proteins that, once complexed, amplifies the signal to the
nucleus. Such adaptor proteins also allow the cell to utilize
certain enzymes that otherwise would not be activated in a
given signaling pathway. The structure of adaptor proteins
also displays binding sites that connect to DNA, where they
recognize specific nucleotide sequences of a given gene, thus
inducing transcription. In this case, the only enzyme in the
cascade of signals to the nucleus is the receptor in the surface
of the cell, and all the events that follow occur through the
recognition among proteins and through the protein recogni-
tion of a locus in DNA.
Proteins are encoded by genes. A gene usually encodes
a nucleotide sequence that can be first transcribed in pre-mes-
senger RNA, and then read and translated on the ribosomes
into a group of similar proteins with different lengths and
functions, known as protein isoforms. A single polypeptide
may be translated and then cut by enzymes into different pro-
teins of variable lengths and molecular weights.
During transcription, the non-coding DNA sequences
(introns) are cut off, and the coding sequences (exons) are
transcribed into pre-messenger RNA, which in turn is spliced
to a continuous stretch of exons before protein translation
begins. The spliced stretch subdivides in codons, where any
of the four kinds of nucleotide may occupy one or more of
the three positions, and each triplet codes for one specific
amino acid. The sequence of codons is read on the ribo-
somes, three nucleotides at a time. The order of codons
determine the sequence of amino acids in the protein mole-
cule that is formed.
Introns may have a regulatory role of either the splicing
or the translational process, and may even serve as exons to
other genes. After translation, proteins may also undergo bio-
chemical changes, a process known as post-translation pro-
cessing. They may be either cut by enzymes or receive special
bonds, such as disulfide bridges, in order to fold into a func-
tional structure.

See alsoBiochemistry; Cell cycle (eukaryotic), genetic regu-

lation of; Cell cycle (prokaryotic), genetic regulation of; DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic acid); Transcription; Translation


Proteomics is a discipline of microbiology and molecular biol-
ogythat has arisen from the genesequencing efforts that cul-
minated in the sequencing of the human genome in the last
years of the twentieth century. In addition to the human
genome, sequences of disease-causing bacteria are being
deduced. Although fundamental, knowledge of the sequence
of nucleotides that comprise deoxyribonucleic acidreveals
only a portion of the protein structure encoded by the DNA.
Because proteins are an essential element of bacterial structure
and function (e.g., role in causing infection), the knowledge of
the three-dimensional structure and associations of proteins is
vital. Proteomics is an approach to unravel the structure and
function of proteins.
The word proteomics is derived from PROTEin com-
plementto a genOME. Essentially, this is the spectrum of pro-
teins that are produced from the template of an organism’s
genetic material under a given set of conditions. Proteomics
compares the protein profiles of proteomes under different
conditions in order to unravel biological processes.
The origin of proteomics dates back to the identification
of the double-stranded structure of DNA by Watson and Crick
in 1953. More recently, the development of the techniques of
protein sequencing and gel electrophoresisin the 1960s and
1970s provided the technical means to probe protein structure.
In 1986, the first protein sequence database was created
(SWISS-PROT, located at the University of Geneva). By the
mid-1990s, the concept of the proteome and the discipline of
proteomics were well established. The power of proteomics
was manifest in March 2000, when the complete proteome of
a whole organism was published, that of the bacterium
Mycoplasma genitalium
Proteomics research often involves the comparison of
the proteins produced by a bacterium (example, Escherichia
coli) grown at different temperatures, or in the presence of dif-
ferent food sources, or a population grown in the lab versus a
population recovered from an infection. Escherichia coli
responds to changing environments by altering the proteins it
produces. However, the full extent of the various alterations
and their molecular bases are largely unknown. Proteomics
research essentially attempts to provide a molecular explana-
tion for bacterial behavior.
Proteomics can be widely applied to research of diverse
microbes. For example, the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae
is being studied to reveal the proteins produced and their func-
tional associations with one another.
The task of sorting out all the proteins that can be pro-
duced by a bacterium or yeast cell is formidable. Targeting of
the research effort is essential. For example, the comparison of
the protein profile of a bacterium obtained directly from an
infection (in vivo) with populations of the same microbe
grown under defined conditions in the lab (in vitro) could

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