Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


copy is made, the DNA inserts itself into the T cell’s DNA.
The inserted DNA then begins to produce large numbers of
viral RNA that are identical to the infecting virus’s RNA. This
new RNA is then transcribed into the proteins that make up the
infecting retrovirus. In effect, the T cell is transformed into a
factory that produces more retroviruses. Because reverse tran-
scriptase enzyme is unique to retroviruses, drugs that inhibit
the action of this enzyme are used to treat retroviral infection,
such as HIV. Reverse transcriptase is vital for retrovirus repli-
cation, but not for human cell replication. Therefore, modern
reverse transcriptase inhibitor drugs are specific for retro-
viruses. Often, reverse transcriptase inhibitors are used in
combination with other drugs to treat HIV infection.
Retroviruses are especially lethal to humans because
they cause a permanent change in the T cell’s DNA. Other
viruses merely commandeer their host cell’s cytoplasm and
chemical resources to make more viruses; unlike retroviruses,
they do not insert their DNA into the host cell’s DNA. Nor do
most viruses attack the body’s T cells. Most people’s cells,
therefore, can recover from an attack from a virus. Eventually,
the body’s immune system discovers the infection and neu-
tralizes the viruses that have been produced. Any cells that
contain viruses are not permanently changed by the viral
infection. Because retroviruses affect a permanent change
within important cells of the immune system, cellular recov-
ery from a retrovirus infection does not occur.
In 1980, researchers headed by Robert Gallo at the
National Cancer Institute discovered the first human retro-
virus. They found the virus within leukemic T cells of patients
with an aggressive form of T cell cancer. These patients were
from the southern United States, Japan, and the Caribbean.
Almost all patients with this form of cancer were found to
have antibodies (immune system proteins made in response to
an infection) to HTLV.
HIV is perhaps the most famous retrovirus. Discovered
independently by several researchers in 1983, HIV is now
known to be the causative agent of AIDS. People with AIDS
test positive for HIV antibodies, and the virus itself has been
isolated from people with the disease.
HIV attacks T cells by docking with the CD4 receptor
on its surface. Once inside the cell, HIV begins to transcribe
its RNA into DNA, and the DNA is inserted into the T cell’s
DNA. However, new HIV is not released from the T cell right
away. Instead, the virus stays latent within the cell, sometimes
for 10 years or more. For reasons that are not yet clear, at some
point the virus again becomes active within the T cell, and
HIV particles are made within the cell. The new HIV particles
bud out from the cell membrane and attack other T cells. Soon,
all of the T cells of the body are infected and die. This infec-
tion cycle explains why very few virus particles are found in
people with the HIV infection (those who do not yet have
AIDS); many particles are found in people who have fulmi-
nate AIDS.
No cure has yet been found for AIDS. Researchers are
still unsure about many aspects of HIV infection, and research
into the immune system is still a relatively new science.
Several anti-retroviral drugs, such as AZT, ddI, and ddC, have
been administered to people with AIDS. These drugs do not

cure HIV infection; but they usually postpone the develop-
ment of AIDS. AIDS is almost invariably fatal.
Simian immunodeficiencyvirus (SIV) is the primate
version of HIV. In fact, monkeys infected with SIV are used to
test AIDS drugs for humans. Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)
causes cancer in chickens and was the first retrovirus identi-
fied. Feline leukemia virus (FELV) causes feline leukemia in
cats and is characterized by symptoms similar to AIDS. Feline
leukemia is a serious disease that, like AIDS, is fatal. Unlike
AIDS, a vaccinehas been developed to prevent this disease.

See alsoAIDS, recent advances in research and treatment;
Immunogenetics; T cells or T lymphocytes; Viral genetics;
Viral vectors in gene therapy; Virus replication; Viruses and
responses to viral infection


RRh and Rh incompatibilityH ANDRH INCOMPATIBILITY

Human red blood cells contain protein molecules (antigens) in
their cell membranes that determine the blood type of an indi-
vidual. There are several kinds of antigens present on human
red blood cells, as well as the Rh antigen. People with the Rh
antigen are distinguished with a blood type ending in a plus
(+); those without the Rh antigen have a minus (–) in their
blood type.
Rh disease occurs when an Rh-negative mother is
exposed to Rh-positive fetal blood and develops antibodies.
During pregnancy, and especially during labor and delivery,
some of the fetus’s Rh-positive red blood cells get into the
mother’s (Rh -) bloodstream. Higher passage of fetal cells is
observed in women who have undergone amniocentesis and
other invasive diagnostic procedures, and in women with pla-
cental anomalies. This triggering of the mother’s immune
response is referred to as sensitization, or isoimmunization. In
pregnancies occurring after exposure (usually not in the first
pregnancy), maternal antibodies may lyse (disintegrate) the
red blood cells of an Rh-positive fetus, leading to red blood
cell destruction and fetal anemia. In the case of Rh, the pre-
dominant maternal antibody belongs to the G type (igG)
which can freely cross the placenta and enter the fetal circula-
tion. The consequent anemia may be so profound that the fetus
may die in the uterus. Reacting to the anemia, the fetal bone
marrow may release immature red blood cells (erythroblasts)
into the fetal peripheral circulation, causing erythroblastosis
fetalis. After birth, affected newborns may develop ker-
nicterus. At any further pregnancy, the Rh incompatibility
mechanism tends to be accelerated.
Since 1968, there has been a treatment that can prevent
Rh disease. Without prophylaxis (preventative treatment),
about one in six Rh negative women who deliver a Rh positive
infant will develop anti-Rh antibodies from fetomaternal hem-
orrhage occurring either during pregnancy or at delivery. No
universal policy exists for postnatal prophylaxis. The standard

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