Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


food. Both are routes of transfer of fecal material to the food.
The amount of fecal material need not be great, as studies have
proven that only 10 living Shigellaare required to establish an
infection in humans.
The infection tends to be fairly short in duration and
clears without any therapeutic intervention. In some people,
however, the primary infection can be the prelude to very
damaging infections of the kidney and the joins. The latter
infection, which is caused by Shigella flexneri, is known as
Reiter’s syndrome. This can persist for years. During this time,
infections by other strains of Shigellaare possible.
Shigellosis results from the attachment of the bacteria to
epithelial cells that line the intestinal tract, and the entry of the
bacteria into the cells. Within the host cells, the bacteria divide
and can then spread laterally to infect other host cells. The
interior location of the bacteria protects them from any host
immune response or from antibiotics. Additionally, some
strains of Shigellaproduce the toxins that can damage the
epithelial cells.
The establishment of an infection is easier in people
whose immune systems are compromised. For example,
shigellosis is a significant problem in those afflicted with
acquired immunodeficiencysyndrome.
Treatment for Shigellainfections is not always clini-
cally prudent. Many infections, while very inconvenient and
painful, pass relatively quickly. Management of the symp-
toms, particularly ensuring proper hydration, is preferred in
immunocompetent people, as opposed to antibiotic therapy.
The reason is that the bacteria can rather readily acquire resist-
ance to antibiotics, which can make eradication of the bacteria
even harder. Also, the antibiotic resistant bacteria can be
excreted in the feces of the infected individual, and may then
spread the resistant strain to other people.
Prevention of the spread of infection involves proper
hygiene and thorough cooking of foods.

See alsoEnterobacteriaceae; Enterotoxin and exotoxin; Food

SShotgun cloningHOTGUN CLONING

The shotgun method (also known as shotgun cloning) is a
method in cloning genomic DNA. It involves taking the DNA
to be cloned and cutting it either using a restriction enzyme or
randomly using a physical method to smash the DNA into
small pieces. These fragments are then taken together and
cloned into a vector. The original DNA can be either genomic
DNA (whole genome shotgun cloning) or a clone such as a
YAC(yeast artificial chromosome) that contains a large piece
of genomic DNA needing to be split into fragments.
If the DNA needs to be in a certain cloning vector, but
the vector can only carry small amounts of DNA, then the
shotgun method can be used. More commonly, the method is
used to generate small fragments of DNA for sequencing. A
DNA sequence can be generated at about 600 bases at a time,
so if a DNA fragment of about 1100kb is cloned, then it can be
sequenced in two steps, with 600 bases from each end, and a

hundred base overlap. The sequencing can always be primed
with a known sequence from the vector and so any prior
knowledge of the sequence that has been cloned is not neces-
sary. This approach of shotgun cloning followed by DNA
sequencing from both ends of the vector is called shotgun
Shotgun sequencing was initially used to sequence
small genomes such as that of the cauliflower mosaic virus
(CMV), which is 8kb long. More recently, it has been applied
to more complex genomes. Usually this involves creating a
physical map and a contig (line of overlapping clones) of
clones containing a large amount of DNA in a vector such as
a YAC, which are then shotgun cloned into smaller vectors and
sequenced. However, a whole genome shotgun approach has
been used to sequence the mouse, fly and human genomes by
the private company Celera. This involves shotgun cloning the
whole genome and sequencing the clones without creating a
physical map. It is faster and cheaper than creating a physical
genemap and sequencing clones one by one, but the reliabil-
ity of reassembling all the sequences of the small fragments
into one genomic sequence has been doubted. For example, a
part of the fly genome was sequenced by the one-by-one
approach and the whole genome shotgun method. The two
sequences were compared, and showed differences. 60% of
the genes were identical, 31% showed minor differences and
9% showed major differences. The whole genome shotgun
method generated the sequence much more quickly, but the
one-by-one approach is probably more accurate because the
genes were studied in more detail.

See alsoCloning, application of cloning to biological prob-
lems; Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC); Yeast genetics

SSignal hypothesisIGNAL HYPOTHESIS

The signal hypothesis was proposed to explain how proteins
that were destined for export from bacteriaor for targeting to
certain regions within eucaryotic microorganisms(e.g., yeast)
achieved their target. The hypothesis was proposed in the
1970s by Günter Blobel, who was then as now a molecular
biologist at the Rockefeller University in New York. Blobel’s
work received the 1999 Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology.
The signal hypothesis proposes that proteins destined
for secretion, which involves the movement of the protein
across a biological membrane, are originally manufactured
with an initial sequence of amino acids that may or may not
present in the mature protein.
Work by Blobel and others over two decades estab-
lished the validity of the proposal. The so-called signal
sequence is now known to be only some 20 amino acids in
length. The arrangement of amino acids in the signal
sequence is not random. Rather, the beginning of the
sequence, along with a few amino acid residues in the center
of the sequence, is comprised of amino acids that are
hydrophilic (“water-loving”). Sandwiched between these
regions is a central portion that is made up of amino acids that
are hydrophobic(“water-hating”).

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