Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


The plasmodial slime molds are relatively common in
temperate regions and can be found living on decaying plant
matter. There are about 400 different species. Depending on
the species, the color of the amorphous cell mass, the plas-
modium, can be red, yellow, brown, orange, green, or other
colors. The color of the plasmodium and the morphology of
the reproductive body, the sporocarp, are used to identify the
different species.
The plasmodial slime molds are superficially similar to
the cellular slime molds. Both have a haploid amoeba phase in
when cells feed by phagocytosis, followed by a phase with a
large amorphous cell mass, and then a reproductive phase with
a stalked fruiting body.
However, the plasmodial slime molds are distinguished
from the cellular slime molds by several unique features of
their life cycle. First, the germinating spores produce flagel-
lated as well as unflagellated cells. Second, two separate hap-
loid cells fuse to produce a zygote with a diploid nucleus.
Third, the zygote develops into a plasmodium, which typically
contains many thousands of diploid nuclei, all surrounded by
a continuous plasma membrane.
The cytoplasmof the plasmodium moves about within
the cell, a process known as cytoplasmic streaming. This is
readily visible with a microscope. The function of cytoplas-
mic streaming is presumably to move nutrients about within
the giant cell.
In nature, plasmodial slime molds grow well in wet and
humid environments, and under such conditions the plasmod-
ium of some species can be quite large. After a particularly wet
spring in Texas in 1973, several residents of a Dallas suburb
reported a large, moving, slimy mass, which they termed “the
Blob.” One reporter in the local press speculated that the Blob
was a mutant bacterium, able to take over the earth.
Fortunately, a local mycologist soberly identified the Blob as
Fuligo septica,a species of plasmodial slime mold.
Another plasmodial slime mold, Physarum poly-
cephalum,is easily grown in the laboratory and is often used
by biologists as a model organism for studies of cytoplasmic
streaming, biochemistry, and cytology. The plasmodium of
this species moves in response to various stimuli, including
ultraviolet and blue light. The proteins actin and myosin are
involved in this movement. Interestingly, actin and myosin
also control the movement of muscles in higher organisms,
including humans.

See alsoMycology

SSlow virusesLOW VIRUSES

Historically, the term “slow virus infections” was coined for a
poorly defined group of seemingly viral diseases which were
later found to be caused by several quite different conven-
tional viruses, also unconventional infectious agents. They
nevertheless shared the properties of causing diseases with
long incubation periods and a protracted course of illness,
affecting largely the central nervous and/or the lymph system
and usually culminating in death. The slow virus concept was

first introduced by the Icelandic physician Bjorn Sigurdsson
(1913–1959) in 1954. He and his co-workers had made pio-
neering studies on slow diseases in sheep including maedi-
visna and scrapie. Maedi is a slowly progressive interstitial
pneumoniaof adult sheep while visna is a slow, progressive
encephalomyelitis and the same virus, belonging, to the
lentivirus subgroup of retroviruses, was found to be responsi-
ble for both conditions.
Since the original isolation of the maedi-visna virus,
concern with slow viral infections, both in animals and in
humans, has grown. Research on sheep lentiviruses and their
pathogenesis has continued to this day and received an impor-
tant impetus in the 1980s with the recognition of the devastat-
ing condition in humans known as acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS). AIDS shared many of the attributes of slow
virus infections in animals and led virologists to suspect, then
to identify, the lentivirus causing AIDS: the human immunode-
ficiency virusor HIV. Questions posed by Bjorn Sigurdsson’s
work on maedi-visna also became the central pathogenic ques-
tions of HIV disease. For example: how and where does HIV
persist despite an initially robust and long-sustained immune
response? How does HIV actually destroy the tissues it infects?
Why do these events unfold so slowly? Final answers to all
these questions have still not been found and there is much
research still to be done on the lentiviruses but Sigurdsson’s
contribution to HIV research through the study of maedi-visna
is now recognized.
Other slow virus infections of humans due by conven-
tional viruses include progressive multifocal leukoen-
cephalopathy (PML) caused by the JC papovavirus. This is an
opportunistic infection in hosts that have defective cell-medi-
ated immunityand the majority of human cases now occur in
HIV 1 infected individuals. Patients present with progressive
multifocal signs including visual loss, aphasia (difficulty
speaking), seizures, dementia, personality changes, gait prob-
lems, and less commonly, cerebellar, brain stem, and spinal
cord features. Death occurs within weeks to months of clinical
onset. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), another
slow infection, has been identified as a rare consequence of
chronic persistant infection by the measles(rubella) virus,
causing an insidious syndrome of behavioral changes in young
children. Patients develop motor abnormalities, in particular
myoclonic jerks, and ultimately become mute, quadriplegic,
and in rigid stupor. SSPE is found worldwide with a frequency
of one case per million per year. Progressive rubella panen-
cephalitis is another very rare slow virus infection of children
and young people caused by the same virus. Most patients
have a history of congenital or acquired rubella and the clini-
cal course is more protracted than in SSPE with progressive
neurologic deficit occurring over several years. A third slow
virus of humans that has had some publicity in recent years is
the human T-cell leukemia virus(HTLV) types 1 and 2 which
are associated with adult T-cell leukemia. It was initially
thought that the causative agent of AIDS was related to HTLV
though it later became clear that whereas HTLV 1 and 2 are
both oncogenic (“cancer producing”) retroviruses, HIV
belongs to the lentivirus sub-group.

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