Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


Haemophilis, Neisseria,and Streptococcus,possess natural
competence because their cells do not require special treatment
to take up DNA. This process is transient and occurs only in
special growth phases, typically toward the end of log phase.
The demonstration of DNA transformation was a land-
mark in the history of genetics. In 1944, Oswald Avery, Colin
MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty conducted famous
Streptococcus pneumoniae transformation experiments.
Bacterial pneumoniais caused by the S strain of S. pneumo-
niae.The S strain synthesizes a slimy capsule around each
cell. The capsule is composed of a polysaccharide that protects
the bacterium from the immune response of the infected ani-
mal and enables the bacterium to cause the disease. The
colonies of the S strain appear smooth because of the capsule
formation. The strain that does not synthesize the polysaccha-
ride, hence does not have the capsule, is called R strain
because the surface of the colonies looks rough. The R strain
does not cause the disease. When heat-killed S strain was
mixed with live R strain, cultured, and spread on to a solid
medium, a few S strain colonies appeared. When S cell extract
was treated with RNase or proteinase and mixed with the live
R strain, R colonies and a few S colonies appeared. When the
S strain cell extract was treated with DNase and mixed with
live R strain, there were only R strain colonies growing on the
agarplates. These experiments proved fundamentally that
DNA is the genetic material that carries genes.
Transformation is widely used in DNA manipulation in
molecular biology. For most bacteria that do not possess natu-
ral competency, special treatment, such as calcium chloride
treatment, can render the cells competent. This is one of the
most important techniques for introducing recombinant DNA
molecules into bacteria and yeastcells in genetic engineering.

See alsoCell membrane transport; Microbial genetics


The term transgenics refers to the process of transferring
genetic information from one organism to another. By intro-
ducing new genetic material into a cell or individual, a trans-
genic organism is created that has new characteristics it did not
have before. The genes transferred from one organism or cell
to another are called transgenes. The development of biotech-
nological techniques has led to the creation of transgenic bac-
teria, plants, and animals that have great advantages over their
natural counterparts and sometimes act as living machines to
create pharmaceutical therapies for the treatment of disease.
Despite the advantages of transgenics, some people have great
concern regarding the use of transgenic plants as food, and with
the possibility of transgenic organisms escaping into the envi-
ronment where they may upset ecosystem balance.
Except for retroviruses that utilize ribonucleic acid
(RNA), all of the cells of every living thing on Earth contain
DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is a complex and long
molecule composed of a sequence of smaller molecules, called
nucleotides, linked together. Nucleotides are nitrogen-contain-
ing molecules, called bases, that are combined with sugar and

phosphate. There are four different kinds of nucleotides in
DNA. Each nucleotide has a unique base component. The
sequence of nucleotides, and therefore of bases, within an
organism’s DNA is unique. In other words, no two organisms
have exactly the same sequence of nucleotides in their DNA,
even if they belong to the same species or are related. DNA
holds within its nucleotide sequence information that directs
the activities of the cell. Groups, or sets of nucleotide
sequences that instruct a single function are called genes.
Much of the genetic material, or DNA, of organisms is
coiled into compact forms called chromosomes. Chromo-
somes are highly organized compilations of DNA and protein
that make the long molecules of DNA more manageable during
cell division. In many organisms, including human beings,
chromosomes are found within the nucleusof a cell. The
nucleus is the central compartment of the cell that houses
genetic information and acts as a control center for the cell. In
other organisms, such as bacteria, DNA is not found within a
nucleus. Instead, the DNA (usually in the form of a circular
chromosome) chromosome is free within the cell. Additionally,
many cells have extrachromosomal DNA that is not found
within chromosomes. The mitochondria of cells, and the
chloroplasts of plant cells have extrachromosomal DNA that
help direct the activities of these organelles independent from
the activities of the nucleus where the chromosomes are found.
Plasmidsare circular pieces of extrachromosomal DNA found
in bacteria that are extensively used in transgenics.
DNA, whether in chromosomes or in extrachromosomal
molecules, uses the same code to direct cell activities. The
genetic codeis the sequence of nucleotides in genes that is
defined by sets of three nucleotides. The genetic code itself is
universal, meaning it is interpreted the same way in all living
things. Therefore, all cells use the same code to store informa-
tion in DNA, but have different amounts and kinds of infor-
mation. The entire set of DNA found within a cell (and all of
the identical cells of a multicellular organism) is called the
genome of that cell or organism.
The DNA of chromosomes within the cellular genome
is responsible for the production of proteins. The universal
genetic code simply tells cells which proteins to make.
Proteins, in turn have many varied and important functions,
and in fact help determine the major characteristics of cells
and whole organisms. As enzymes, proteins carry out thou-
sands of kinds of chemical reactions that make life possible.
Proteins also act as cell receptors and signal molecules, which
enable cells to communicate with one another, to coordinate
growth and other activities important for wound healing and
development. Thus, many of the vital activities and character-
istics that define a cell are really the result of the proteins that
are present. The proteins, in turn, are determined by the
genome of the organism.
Because the genetic code with genes is the same for all
known organisms, and because genes determine characteris-
tics of organisms, the characteristics of one kind of organism
can be transferred to another. If genes from an insect, for
example, are placed into a plant in such a way that they are
functional, the plant will gain characteristics of the insect. The
insect’s DNA provides information on how to make insect

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