Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1


At the end of the war, Urey returned to Montana State
University where he began teaching chemistry. In 1921 he
decided to resume his college education and enrolled in the
doctoral program in physical chemistry at the University of
California at Berkeley. His faculty advisor at Berkeley was
the great physical chemist Gilbert Newton Lewis. Urey
received his doctorate in 1923 for research on the calculation
of heat capacities and entropies (the degree of randomness in
a system) of gases, based on information obtained through the
use of a spectroscope. He then left for a year of postdoctoral
study at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University
of Copenhagen where Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, was
researching the structure of the atom. Urey’s interest in
Bohr’s research had been cultivated while studying with
Lewis, who had proposed many early theories on the nature
of chemical bonding.
Upon his return to the United States in 1925, Urey
accepted an appointment as an associate in chemistry at the
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, a post he held until

  1. He interrupted his work at Johns Hopkins briefly to
    marry Frieda Daum in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1926. Daum was
    a bacteriologist and daughter of a prominent Lawrence educa-
    tor. The Ureys later had four children.
    In 1929, Urey left Johns Hopkins to become associate
    professor of chemistry at Columbia University, and in 1930,
    he published his first book, Atoms, Molecules, and Quanta,
    written with A. E. Ruark. Writing in the Dictionary of
    Scientific Biography,Joseph N. Tatarewicz called this work
    “the first comprehensive English language textbook on atomic
    structure and a major bridge between the new quantum
    physics and the field of chemistry.” At this time he also began
    his search for an isotope of hydrogen. Since Frederick Soddy,
    an English chemist, discovered isotopes in 1913, scientists had
    been looking for isotopes of a number of elements. Urey
    believed that if an isotope of heavy hydrogen existed, one way
    to separate it from the ordinary hydrogen isotope would be
    through the vaporization of liquid hydrogen. Urey’s subse-
    quent isolation of deuterium made Urey famous in the scien-
    tific world, and only three years later he was awarded the
    Nobel Prize in chemistry for his discovery.
    During the latter part of the 1930s, Urey extended his
    work on isotopes to other elements besides hydrogen. Urey
    found that the mass differences in isotopes can result in mod-
    est differences in their reaction rates
    The practical consequences of this discovery became
    apparent during World War II. In 1939, word reached the
    United States about the discovery of nuclear fission by the
    German scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann. The mili-
    tary consequences of the Hahn-Strassmann discovery were
    apparent to many scientists, including Urey. He was one of the
    first, therefore, to become involved in the U.S. effort to build
    a nuclear weapon, recognizing the threat posed by such a
    weapon in the hands of Nazi Germany. However, Urey was
    deeply concerned about the potential destructiveness of a fis-
    sion weapon. Actively involved in political topics during the
    1930s, Urey was a member of the Committee to Defend
    America by Aiding the Allies and worked vigorously against
    the fascist regimes in Germany, Italy, and Spain. He explained

the importance of his political activism by saying that “no dic-
tator knows enough to tell scientists what to do. Only in dem-
ocratic nations can science flourish.”
Urey worked on the Manhattan Project to build the
nation’s first atomic bomb. As a leading expert on the separa-
tion of isotopes, Urey made critical contributions to the solu-
tion of the Manhattan Project’s single most difficult problem,
the isolation of^235 uranium.
At the conclusion of World War II, Urey left Columbia
to join the Enrico Fermi Institute of Nuclear Studies at the
University of Chicago where Urey continued to work on new
applications of his isotope research. During the late 1940s and
early 1950s, he explored the relationship between the isotopes
of oxygen and past planetary climates. Since isotopes differ in
the rate of chemical reactions, Urey said that the amount of
each oxygen isotope in an organism is a result of atmospheric
temperatures. During periods when the earth was warmer than
normal, organisms would take in more of a lighter isotope of
oxygen and less of a heavier isotope. During cool periods, the
differences among isotopic concentrations would not be as
great. Over a period of time, Urey was able to develop a scale,
or an “oxygen thermometer,” that related the relative concen-
trations of oxygen isotopes in the shells of sea animals with
atmospheric temperatures. Some of those studies continue to

Harold Urey won the 1934 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery
of heavy hydrogen (deuterium).

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