Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Zhaohui, Xu., J. D. Knafels, and K. Yoshino. “Crystal
Structure of the Bacterial Protein Export Chaperone
SecB.” Nature Structural Biology, no. 7 (December
2000): 1172–77.

ZoBell, C. E.. “Bacteria as Geological Agents with Particular
Reference to Petroleum.” Petroleum World, no. 10
(January 1943): 30–43.
Zurer, Pamela S. “Food Irradiation: A Technology at a Turning
Point.” Chemical & Engineering News(May 5, 1986):

Web Sites
Editor’s Note: As the World Wide Web is constantly
expanding, the URLs listed below were current as of June 15,

A Healthy Me. “Immunologic Therapies.” 1999. <http://www.
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