Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Immunity, active, passive and delayed, 1:288–290,1: 289
adjuvant, 1:4–5
antiserum and antitoxin, 1:32
B cells, 1:43
opsonization, 2:416–417
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
seroconversion, 2:508
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
vaccine, 2:568–572
Immunity, cell mediated, 1:290
AIDS, 1:9
B cells, 1:43
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
vaccine, 2:568–572
Immunity, humoral regulation, 1:290–291
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
vaccine, 2:568–572
Immunization, 1:291–292
Behring, Emil von, 1:58–59
immune stimulation, 1:286
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
Salk, Jonas, 2:501–503
See alsoVaccination; Vaccine
Immunochemistry, 1:292–293
Avery, Oswald Theodore, 1:39–41
cytokines, 1:104, 1:145
globulins, 1:249–250
immune system, 1:287–288
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
reproductive immunology, 2:483–484
seroconversion, 2:508
severe combined immunodeficiency, 2:509–510
T cells (T lymphocytes), 2:539–540
vaccine, 2:568–572
See alsoImmunity; Immunoglobulins and immunoglobulin defi-
ciency syndromes; Immunologic therapies; Immunological
analysis techniques
Immunodeficiency, 1:293–295
AIDS, 1:7–10
animal models of infection, 1:19
candidiasis, 1:100
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 1:279–280
human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV), 1:281
immunosuppressant drugs, 1:306–307
RNA tumor viruses, 2:493–494
thrush, 2:546–547
See alsoImmunodeficiency disease syndromes;
Immunodeficiency diseases
Immunodeficiency disease syndromes, 1:295,1:295–296
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
severe combined immunodeficiency, 2:509–510
See alsoImmunodeficiency diseases
Immunodeficiency diseases, 1:293
animal models of infection, 1:19
congenital, 1:293
cytokines, 1:104, 1:145
genetic causes, 1:296–297
histocompatibility, 1:271
human leukocyte antigen (HLA), 1:280
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
mycobacterial infections, atypical, 2:406–407

severe combined immunodeficiency, 2:509–510
toxoplasmosis, 2:548
See alsoImmunodeficiency disease syndromes
Immunodeficiency diseases, genetic causes, 1:296–297
Immunoelectrophoresis, 1:182–183, 1:298,1:333
See alsoElectrophoresis
Immunofluorescence, 1:298–299
bioluminescence, 1:72–73
fluorescent dyes, 1:222
See alsoBiochemical analysis; Fluorescence; Laboratory tech-
niques in immunology; Laboratory techniques in microbiol-
Immunofluorescence microscopy, 1:299
Immunogenetics, 1:299–300
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
chemical mutagenesis, 1:114–115
cloning, 1:124
gene, 1:237–238
genetic engineering, 1:74
genotype and phenotype, 1:245–246
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
oncogene research, 2:415–416
phagocyte and phagocytosis, 2:434–435
radiation mutagenesis, 2:477–478
retroviruses, 2:486–487
severe combined immunodeficiency, 2:509–510
transplantation genetics and immunology, 2:553–554
vaccine, 2:568–572
in vitroand in vivoresearch, 1:307–308
See alsoMicrobial genetics; Molecular biology and molecular
Immunoglobulin deficiency. SeeImmunodeficiency; Immunodeficiency
disease syndromes
Immunoglobulins and immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes,
agammaglobulinemia, 1:293, 1:301
anaphylaxis, 1:17
globulins, 1:249–250
isotypes and allotypes, 1:315–316
opsonization, 2:416–417
severe combined immunodeficiency, 2:509–510
See alsoAntibody and antigen; Antibody-antigen, biochemical
and molecular reactions; Antibody formation and kinetics;
Immunodeficiency; Immunodeficiency disease syndromes;
Monoclonal antibodies
Immunologic therapies, 1:301–302
globulins, 1:249–250
immune stimulation, 1:286
immune system, 1:287–288
immunomodulation, 1:305–306
reproductive immunology, 2:483–484
transplantation genetics and immunology, 2:553–554
vaccine, 2:568–572
Immunological analysis techniques, 1:302–303
enzymes, 1:192–194
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 2:361–363
Immunological aspects of reproduction. SeeReproductive immunology
Immunology, 1:303–305
allergies, 1:10–11
autoimmunity and autoimmune diseases, 1:38
Behring, Emil von, 1:58–59
Berg, Paul, 1:60–62
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1:110–112


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