Microbiology and Immunology

(Axel Boer) #1

Schatz, A., 1:276
Schaudinn, Fritz, 2:538
Schick, Bela, 2:505–506
Schistosoma mansoni,2:597
Schizogony, 2:526
Schleiden, Matthias Jakob, 2:647
Schneider, Franz Anton, 2:648
Schoenheimer, Rudolf, 2:398, 2:607
Scholl, Roland, 1:339
Schonlein, Johann, 2:555
Schott, Otto, 1:1
Schramm, C.H., 2:602
Schramm, Gerhard, 2:655
Schultze, Max Johann, 2:648
Schwann, Theodore, 2:647
Schwartz, Robert, 1:184
Schwerdt, Carlton E., 2:655
SCID. SeeSevere combined immunodeficiency
Scrapie, 1:92, 2:449
Scrub typhus, 1:263, 2:492, 2:493, 2:560
SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 1:183
Sea otters, kelp and, 1:323
Sea urchins, kelp and, 1:323
agar, 1:6, 1:7
kelp, 1:323–324
Sebaceous glands, acne and, 1:1
Sebum, 1:1
SecB protein, 2:453, 2:454
Secondary immune response. SeeImmunity, active, passive and delayed
Secondary wastewater treatment, 2:590
Sedillot, Charles-Emanuel, 2:649
Selection, 2:506–507
Selective IgA deficiency, 1:301
SEM. SeeScanning electron microscope
Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp, 1:246, 1:283, 2:411, 2:507–508
Seoul virus, 1:259
Septic shock, 1:44
Septicemic infections, 1:44
Sequestrants, 1:225
Seroconversion, 2:508
Serological pipette, 2:439
Serology, 2:508–509
Serratia marcescens,1:71
Serum sickness, 1:32
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), 1:294, 1:297, 2:509–510
Sex determination, humans, 1:245
Sex pili, 1:48
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 1:251, 2:510–514,2:537–539,
bacterial, 2:512
Chlamydia infection, 1:118, 2:512
Chlamydia trachomatis,1:118
genital herpes, 2:511–512, 2:513
genital warts, 2:513
gonorrhea, 1:251, 2:510, 2:512
hepatitis, 2:513
herpes virus, 2:513
papillomavirus, 2:513
syphilis, 1:251, 2:537–538
See alsoAIDS
Sharp, Philip Allen, 2:658
Sharpey, William, 1:352

Sheathed bacteria, 2:514,2:601
Shellfish, poisoning by, 1:157, 2:482
Shiga-like toxin, 1:171
Shigella,1:187–188, 2:514–515
Shigella dysenteriae,1:168, 2:514
Shigella flexneri,1:315, 2:514
Shigella sonnei,2:514
Shigellosis, 1:168
Shingles, 2:574
Shope, Richard, 2:495, 2:653
Short interspersed elements (SINEs), 2:486
Shotgun cloning, 1:49, 1:242, 2:515
Sick Building Syndrome, 2:408
Side-chain theory, 1:178
Sigma factors, 2:548
Signal hypothesis, 2:453, 2:515–516
Signal transduction, 1:244
Sigurdsson, Bjorn, 2:519
Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), 2:487
Sin Nombre virus, 1:259
SINEs. SeeShort interspersed elements
Singer, S.J., 2:373
Sinsheimer, Robert Louis, 2:516,2:656
Sister-chromatids, 1:244
SIV. SeeSimian immunodeficiency virus
Skin. SeeMicrobial flora of the skin; Skin infections
Skin infections, 2:516–517,2: 517
acne, 1:1–2
See alsoMicrobial flora of the skin
Sleeping sickness, 1:178, 2:367, 2:462, 2:517–518,2: 518
Slime fibrils, 1:249
Slime layer, 1:47
Slime molds, 1:155, 2:461, 2:518–519,2:523
Slobber syndrome, 2:395
Slow viruses, 2:519–520
“Slug,” 2:518
Smallpox, 2:520–522,2:569
as bacteriological weapon, 2:521–522
bioterrorism, 1:76, 2:521–522
Center for Disease Control (CDC), 1:111
epidemic, 1:196
history of, 1:196
vaccine, 2:568–572
variola virus, 2:574
Smallpox: eradication, storage, and potential use as a bacteriological
weapon, 2:521–522
Smith, Hamilton, 2:657
Smith, Theobald, 1:287
Smuts, 1:57
Snap freezing, 1:142
Snell, George, 1:288
Snow, John, 1:246
Snow algae, 2:522
Snow blooms, 1:156–157, 2:522
Sodium hypochlorite, as disinfectant, 1:159
Soil formation, involvement of microorganisms, 2:523
composting, 1:132–133
lichens, 1:349
sheathed bacteria, 2:514
Solution-phase hybridization, 1:240
Somatotrophic hormone (STH), 1:104


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