Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

small farmers, companies and consumers left out of the original
organic movement who were still there hoping for healthy changes.
The organic movement had left them behind. And many legitimate
farmers, manufacturers and food companies that were too small to
pay the thousands of dollars to be part of the USDA’s organic move-
ment were actually creating healthier food.
Where are we now? At the time of this writing, early in 2009, I’m
very disillusioned with the government-sponsored organic pro-
grams. And because the USDA took the word “organic” for itself,
products or companies would not be allowed to use the word “organ-
ic” unless it was certified by the USDA. In addition, small farms,
legitimate companies producing healthy foods and others involved in
the organic movement are even being harassed by federal and local
authorities because they have not embraced the movement. The
result is that a small but growing movement continues, made up of
consumers and health-care professionals like me, seeking the best
food from good and honest people all working together for a health-
ier planet.
If you really want the highest-quality produce, the best option is
to grow your own. If you have any yard space at all, a small vegetable
plot, properly tended, can yield enough vegetables in season for your
entire family. Many areas have community gardens, where many
individuals share in a larger plot of land. By growing your own veg-
etables you can ensure their quality, reduce the price of your produce
and revel in the enjoyment of producing your own food, not to men-
tion the extra exercise you get from working in your garden.

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