Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

How Much Do You Need?
So how much fiber and prebiotics should you eat? By now you
should know the answer to this question — it depends on your indi-
vidual needs. On average, between 15 and 25 grams of fiber per day
is the absolute minimum most people require. This works out to be
about 10 grams per 1,000 calories. Many people need more fiber than
this, and some people may need twice this much, or even more, to
have optimal health. As you determine your carbohydrate needs, bal-
ance your fats and start eating 10 or more servings of vegetables and
fruits per day, you should notice whether your intestines are working
better, or if you need more fiber and/or prebiotics.
Prebiotics should not be counted as part of the fiber requirement
— instead, they should be consumed in addition to fiber. The symbi-
otic relationship of prebiotics and fiber mean that consuming proper
amounts of these substances will improve the functionality of both.
While there are no specific recommendations for the amount of pre-
biotics you should consume, Americans eat on average only about 1
to 3 grams of fructans daily, while our healthier European friends
consume three times that amount. This does not necessarily mean
that more is better, but most people will benefit by eating more food
If you don’t get enough fiber naturally from foods in your daily
diet, you may need a dietary supplement. The best way to do this is
to make your own mix of fibers. This may require some experimenta-
tion, but it will be worth the effort. For many people, plain psyllium
is all that’s needed. Others, for example, may try a mixture of psylli-
um and oat bran, mixed with applesauce (a good source of pectin). A
quick analysis of your diet should give you an idea of how much fiber
you’re getting, and how much more you’ll need.

Both fiber and prebiotic foods are very important aspects of
health and human performance. As you go through this book making
changes in your own diet you’ll most likely have little trouble deter-
mining whether you need more fiber and prebiotic foods based on the
function of your intestines.

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