Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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brain, intestines and spleen are about 75 percent. Even areas like your
bones, which are 22 percent water, and fat stores, 10 percent water,
require a specific level, which, if not maintained, results in poor
One of the biggest problems of dehydration is that it decreases
blood volume. Maintaining blood volume is important because so
many vital functions are associated with it:

  • Transport of oxygen-carrying red blood cells to muscles.

  • Transport of nutrients, including glucose, fats and amino

  • Removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products.

  • Transport of hormones that help regulate muscular

  • Neutralization of lactic acid to maintain proper pH.

  • Maintenance of efficient cardiovascular function.
    Most of the body’s water is contained inside the cells of muscles,
    nerves, organs and even the bones. This water helps regulate the
    intracellular environment. Water also functions in between the cells
    by helping to carry nutrients and hormones into the cells. One of the
    most significant functions of water is to regulate the balance of potas-
    sium (on the inside of the cell) and sodium (outside the cell). This bal-
    ance is most important in nerve and muscle cells, producing nervous-
    system function and muscle contraction.

Preventing Dehydration
Thirst is how most people remember to drink water. But this is a prob-
lem, since the brain’s thirst center does not send a message until you
are almost 2 percent dehydrated. By then, you already have problems
associated with dehydration. The kidneys, however, respond to dehy-
dration much sooner than the brain tells you you’re thirsty, another
good example of your body giving you signals. In this case, if your
urine output is diminished, you’re beginning to dehydrate. What is
meant by diminished? If you’re not urinating at least six to eight times
each day, you may be dehydrated. But the color of your urine may be

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