Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
wise utilize synthetic folic acid. The numbers are difficult to
determine, but scientists have estimated that perhaps up to 30
percent of the population has this inability (which is genetical-
ly determined). These individuals must rely on natural folic acid
from food, or the 5-methyl or folinic acid versions in supple-
Natural folic acid is not just for prevention of neural tube
defects, one of many types of birth defects in pregnant women.
It’s a necessary nutrient with bodywide benefits for all adults
and children. These include the following:

  • Brain function — the natural forms of folic acid are the
    only ones that can get into the brain. It is especially impor-
    tant for those who don’t sleep well or are depressed.

  • Intestinal function to help food digestion and absorption,
    heal the intestines and, as studies have shown, in prevent-
    ing colon cancer.

  • Important in the detoxification of substances like estrogens
    in both men and women to remove their harmful metabo-
    lites (this is the mechanism of breast cancer prevention as
    it pertains to folate).

  • For protein metabolism and for regulation of certain amino

  • For the formation of new blood cells, which is a continu-
    ous process.

  • For cardiovascular health by reducing homocysteine.

  • Unlike synthetic inactive folic acid, natural folic acid does
    not mask anemia if not taken with adequate vitamin B12.

Few people in industrialized societies have true calcium deficiencies,
regardless of what the advertisements tell us. The bigger problem is
that most people are unable to utilize the calcium they already have
in their bodies. Poor calcium metabolism, rather than deficiency, is

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