Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

Real, unsweetened cocoa typically contains significant protein,
about 7 or 8 grams per ounce. It is also low in carbohydrate —
between 8 and 13 grams per ounce, with 50 to 60 percent or more of
that carbohydrate coming in the form of fiber. Like other beans, cocoa
contains many vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, niacin,
zinc and magnesium. The fats in natural cocoa also have healthy
attributes. More than a third of the fat in cocoa is monounsaturated.
An equal amount of fat in cocoa is in the form of stearic acid. Though
saturated, stearic acid is a good fat, as it can reduce LDL cholesterol.
Cocoa also contains the essential fat linoleic acid.
Cocoa also has strong antioxidant benefits, which have also been
shown specifically to protect against LDL-cholesterol damage. One
study showed that when a cocoa snack was substituted for a high-car-
bohydrate snack, it increased the “good” HDL cholesterol and
reduced blood triglycerides. And, it did not increase LDL cholesterol
despite being a higher-fat snack. Polyphenols in cocoa, similar to
those in red wine, provide protection against blood-vessel problems,
including heart disease.
While cocoa has some very healthy attributes, eating it in a candy
bar is not recommended since this usually includes a lot of sugar, bad
fats and chemicals. Only buy pure cocoa — without sugar or dairy —
and use it to make your own healthy desserts, sweetened with honey.

Caffeine content of some single-serving drinks
(Amounts in milligrams of caffeine. Amount varies with how
you make it, product and size.)
Regular coffee........................... 85-300
Double espresso............................ 120
Decaf coffee............................... 3-5
Black tea............................... 50-140
Green tea............................... 20-50
Real cocoa............................. .25-50

Most herb teas don’t contain caffeine. But some over-the-
counter drugs do in a range of 15-300 mg (read labels).


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