Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

enabling you to do more work with the same effort. Even if you walk
or run longer distances, your MAF Test should show the same pro-
gression of results, providing you heed your maximum aerobic heart
rate. Below is an example showing the improvement of the same per-
son from above:

September October November December
Mile 1 16:32 15:49 15:35 15:10
Mile 2 16:46 16:06 15:43 15:22
Mile 3 17:09 16:14 15:57 15:31

Performing the MAF Test on a bike is similar. When riding out-
side, the easiest method is to pick a bike course that initially takes
about 30 minutes to complete. Following a warm-up, ride at your
maximum aerobic heart rate, and record exactly how long it takes to
ride the test course. As you progress, your times should get faster.
Riding your course today, for example, may take 30 minutes and 50
seconds. In three weeks it may take you 29:23 and in another three
weeks 27:35. After three months of base work, the same course may
take you 26 minutes. Another option is to ride on a flat course and see
what pace you can maintain while holding your heart rate at your
max aerobic level. This works best on a stationary apparatus. As you
progress, your miles-per-hour should increase. If you start at 12 mph,
for example, following a three-month aerobic base you might be rid-
ing 17 mph at the same heart rate.
Perform the MAF Test regularly, throughout the year, and chart
your results. I recommend doing the test every month. Testing your-
self too often may result in obsession. Usually, you won’t improve sig-
nificantly within one week.
For those who walk, or do other activities that, over time, will not
raise the heart rate to the maximum aerobic level, it’s possible to do the
MAF Test without using the maximum aerobic heart rate. Since it’s
usually too difficult to reach that heart rate, choose a lower rate for your
MAF Test. For example, if you have difficulty reaching 150, your max
aerobic rate, use 125 during your walk as the rate for your MAF Test.
Performing the test irregularly or not often enough defeats one of
its purposes — knowing when your aerobic system is getting off
course. One of the great benefits of the MAF Test is its ability to objec-


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