Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
tion was for Randy to ride indoors on a stationary apparatus for
about 15 minutes before going outside, then riding very slowly
until getting past the hills. When he was able to accomplish
this, both his back pain and his chronic asthma disappeared.

Yoga and other “whole-body” flexibility activities are very differ-
ent from stretching as I’ve described it above. When properly done, in
a very slow, deliberate and easy motion, whole-body flexibility activ-
ities are healthy, safe and very effective. They’re also recommended as
a source of relaxation and meditation. If you wish to learn yoga or
other flexibility activities find a course or an instructor who won’t
rush the sessions or push you beyond your limits. Don’t attend if you
can’t put in the appropriate amount of time, and never go beyond
your needs. Too many people try to rush into yoga positions that nor-
mally take a long time to establish.


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