Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
minutes of walking at a heart rate not to exceed 140 beats
per minute, five times per week.

A Word for Beginners
Even if you’ve never been active, aerobic exercise is easy and simple.
If you are in reasonably good health and have no serious problems or
injuries, it can be done with a simple 30-minute walk a minimum of
four to five times per week. You can do this on your way to work, or
on your way home, as part of your lunch break or anytime. It can be
performed walking indoors or outdoors. Or you can use a treadmill
or stationary bike, either in your home or at the gym. A simple aero-
bic workout will easily fit into your current work schedule and
requires no special equipment, clothing or gear. Here is a typical start-
ing program for a beginner:

  • 30 total minutes easy walking.

  • 12-minute warm-up period, 12-minute
    cool-down period.

  • Heart rate not to exceed the maximum aerobic level.

  • Monday through Friday schedule.

  • Saturday and Sunday off.
    You can always fit in a 30-minute workout at some point during
    the day. Within that time, include at least a 12-minute warm-up peri-
    od, where your activity level is very easy. For the next 6 minutes move
    at a faster pace, but not so fast that it becomes uncomfortable —
    there’s no need to break a sweat and you should be able to carry on a
    conversation. The remaining 12 minutes is your cool-down, another
    period of very easy activity. This is an optimal aerobic workout — one
    you can do in your work clothes during the course of the day.
    Remember, your basic beginning program should be tailored to
    your specific needs. While most people are capable of at least 30 min-
    utes of walking, perhaps 45 minutes is a good starting point. The
    maximum starting point for any beginner is an hour. Still others may
    benefit starting with 20 minutes per session. If you are recovering
    from a chronic illness, or have been very inactive all your life, you

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