Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

This information on the potential dangers of shoes is not new. The
first published research to show these problems dates back to 1954;
electromyographic studies demonstrated poor muscle function in the
foot when shoes are worn. Modern shoes are even worse, as many
newer studies continue to show.

Popular basketball shoes — “high-tops” — are promoted as a
way to protect the ankles against injury. However, since high-
tops were made ankle injuries have become the most common
injury in the sport of basketball, where almost all athletes use
this type of shoe. High-tops are also worn by many people who
don’t play basketball. And, like most commonly used “over-the-
counter” supports, whether for the ankle, knee or other joints,
they often weaken the muscles around the joint, ultimately
contributing or even causing a chronic problem.
One study showed that during a two-year period, 78 percent of
basketball players experienced some type of ankle injury. Of
these, 83 percent were recurrent. Studies have not demonstrat-
ed that high-top shoes are able to prevent ankle sprains. In fact,
Brizuela and colleagues (1997) showed that high-top shoes
produced more ankle injuries. These same shoes also reduced
the average jump height, and they increased the time needed
to complete a short running course in comparison to those who
wore low-support shoes — something to consider if you’re
playing basketball!

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