Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

28. Brain Power

To paraphrase the great singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, if we’re not
busy being born we’re busy dying. This sums up the remedy for opti-
mal brain function throughout life. Unfortunately, too many people
start dying at a very early age.
It’s estimated that one in four people in the United States suffers
from some form of mental or emotional disorder. Many more have
diminished brain function, which is often transient. Human error is a
common result of diminished brain function, and the cause of the
majority of automobile, airplane, rail, boating and other tragic acci-
dents reported in the popular press every day. Medical mistakes,
which kill and maim millions of people, are also usually due to
human error. Whether it’s poor memory, such as not remembering
that phone call you wanted to make, or getting lost in your own
neighborhood due to a serious cognitive condition such as
Alzheimer’s, most cases of these problems are preventable through
proper food and nutrition, stress regulation and lifestyle. And, the
problem isn’t just about avoiding cognitive problems — you want
your brain to function at a high level until you die!
Do you remember where you were when President Kennedy was
assassinated? Maybe you hadn’t been born yet. How about when the
space shuttle Challenger exploded? Or when the World Trade Center
collapsed? Most people have vivid memories of where they were
when these intense events occurred. At the same time, many people
can’t recall a simple five- or seven-digit phone number, for example, or
the name of someone they just met. The memory of traumatic events
is so clear because the powerful adrenal response provides optimal
blood sugar levels. It’s also possible to harness this great and valuable
function of the body and brain through proper diet and nutrition.

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