Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1
the color on the pH paper container to determine the
approximate pH.

Initially, perform this test two or three times a day, then again a
few days later to establish your average pH level, although it should
not vary by much. If your pH is consistently too high (above 7.6), it
may indicate a need to increase natural carbohydrates such as fruits
and whole grains. But if your pH is too low it may indicate two
things: You’re eating too much carbohydrate and you also need to
add more protein and fat to the diet. After making the appropriate
dietary changes, check the pH twice a week to follow progress as
improvements in pH could take up to a month or more.
In children and adults, low pH — less than 7.0 — promotes tooth
decay. While in practice I noticed children (and adults) with proper
pH did not get cavities, and those who had tooth decay almost always
had low pH. (Low pH may also indicate reduced fat-burning, excess
stress or sometimes other nutritional problems.)

The Stomach
Of all the problems associated with the stomach, perhaps most are
related to hydrochloric acid. This normal acid is a vital part of the
digestive process. Without its action, nutrient availability may be
greatly diminished due to poor digestion and malabsorption, and the
risk of disease is increased.
These problems are usually due to low levels of hydrochloric acid
(hypochlorhydria) or a lack of acid (achlorhydria). Stress, illness and
aging are the most common reasons for reduction of natural
hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This results in diminished digestion
of a variety of nutrients, from calcium and zinc, to iron, vitamin B12
and protein. Problems are not limited to the stomach, but throughout
the gut. For example, hydrochloric acid in the stomach stimulates the
production of pancreatic and other digestive enzymes in the small
intestine — without adequate stomach acid poor small intestine func-
tion follows. Another problem associated with low stomach acid is
the presence of bacteria, viruses, parasites, yeast or fungus — the
stomach should not contain any of these organisms and normal stom-
ach acid is a defense against these organisms. In addition to many

THE GUT • 261
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