Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

the carotenoids (lycopene, beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein) and the
full vitamin E complex, especially beta, delta and gamma tocopherol.
Food doses of vitamin C (found in the whites of red peppers and cit-
rus, and many other fruits and vegetables) also work with other
To spice up your healthy meals, include foods rich in phytonutri-
ents that also assist liver detox. These include citrus peel (make a cit-
rus peel zest, or a marmalade with honey), caraway seeds (grind them
just before use), turmeric, ginger, garlic and dill, just to name a few.
Liver detoxification also requires B vitamins, especially thiamine
(B1), niacin (B3) and the folates. But avoid the synthetic forms because
these have to be detoxedand eliminated through the liver too. Alcohol,
in small amounts, can actually help liver detox. In moderation, alco-
hol is broken down in the liver but by a different mechanism that also
requires B vitamins. But excessive alcohol taps into Phase II detoxifi-
cation where it can cause significant stress.

Other Liver Stresses
If you have a history of liver problems, there are certain foods and
drugs best avoided. These include iron from dietary supplements,
alcohol and products containing acetaminophen (including Tylenol,
Excedrin and other aspirin-free products). These substances can add
significant chemical stress to the liver. In addition, avoid the foods
you’re sensitive to, and be especially aware of caffeine; if you don’t
tolerate it, avoid it!
The liver eliminates toxins through the gall bladder and trans-
ports them into the intestines with the help of bile. Fatty foods keep
bile flowing, helping the liver do this job. Very low fat diets can
reduce bile production and can be dangerous. Likewise, very high fat
diets can overwork the gall bladder.
Improving liver function is a key to helping the entire intestine
function in a normal healthy way, especially the large intestine.

Large Intestine
The colon, or large intestine, also plays a significant role in overall
health. Problems can arise within the colon, or because the foods
passing into it have not been properly digested. For example, low lev-


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