Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

The most common indication for the need of a probiotic supple-
ment is when the friendly bacteria are replaced by other unhealthy

bacteria. This occurs with antibiotic use. Stress associated with travel,

and excess stress in general, poor diet and other problems also con-
tribute to poor intestinal function associated with the need for probi-

otics. Signs and symptoms associated with poor intestinal bacteria

include diarrhea and constipation, foul-smelling gas and stool, indi-
gestion and many of the common illnesses such as irritable bowl syn-

drome, colitis and ileitis, and others.

THE GUT • 271

soon as a burp, most of it must travel through the gut
and come out the other end.

  • Stomach dysfunction is a common cause of gas. This is
    typically due to low levels of hydrochloric acid as dis-
    cussed above.

  • Large intestine dysfunction — often due to the wrong
    bacteria residing in the gut (also discussed above) may
    cause excess gas. This can also cause bad breath as
    some of this gas is absorbed into the blood and
    released through the lungs.

  • Combinations of these problems also may result in sig-
    nificant gas in the gut.
    Other foods that promote gas include chewing gum, especial-
    ly the “sugar-free” products containing sorbitol and other alco-
    hol sugars. In addition, some individuals are sensitive to the
    natural fruit sugar fructose found in fruits, and especially high
    in fruit juice.
    Drugs to reduce gas don’t work. The American College of
    Gastroenterology states, “Despite the many commercials and
    advertisements for medications which reduce gas pains and
    bloating, very few have any proven scientific value.” If you
    have excess gas, addressing the causes as discussed here can
    usually significantly reduce the problem.

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