Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

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aging, this increases the risk of falls, fractures and disability, and also
leads to the loss of independence, all of which contributes to
increased mortality and reduced quality of life. Many other problems
can develop too, such as kidney disease, high blood pressure, poor
mineral balance (with significant loss of magnesium), asthma, cardio-
vascular disease and other conditions.
The answer to the problem of acid-alkaline imbalance is not to
create an opposite imbalance by over-consuming a high alkaline
product or eliminating all acid foods. Such is the case, for example,
when high-quality animal protein is eliminated from the diet (which
can actually worsen bone and muscle problems). Rather, establishing
balance in the diet is a key to an optimal acid-alkaline state. It means
eating sufficiently from both the healthy acid and alkaline food
groups. For most people, this means eating more fresh vegetables and
fruits; 10 servings a day for adults, and proportional amounts for chil-
dren based on body weight. It may also mean eliminating refined
grain products.
All areas of the gastrointestinal tract — the gut — are vital for
optimal health and human performance. Any area not functioning
well needs attention. Improving gut function not only can help the
intestine work better, but you’ll absorb more nutrients from foods,
and the whole body and brain will work better.

Constipation and Diarrhea
Constipation and diarrhea are among the most common gut
complaints. Most people can avoid or resolve these problems
by being fit and healthy. Constipation technically refers to
excess straining with bowel movements and the passage of
small hard stools. It can occur when the waste (stool) moves too
slowly through the lower gut. The most common causes include
dehydration, changes in diet (this may occur initially, even
when improving your diet), physical inactivity and a variety of
drugs. Treatment and prevention includes drinking sufficient
water between meals, 10 servings of vegetables & fruits (prunes
are very effective — one to three per day with a large glass of
water), psyllium taken with a large glass of water and physical

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