Fitness and Health: A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Avoiding Disease

(lily) #1

  • Prioritize your busy schedule; do the most important
    things first. But don’t neglect the enjoyable things. Before
    getting out of bed in the morning, ask yourself: “What
    fun things do I have planned for today?”

  • Know your passion and pursue it.
    What’s most important about stress is that too much of it inter-
    feres with rest. Or more accurately, recovering from excess stress
    requires more rest. If you don’t get enough rest, usually in the form of
    sleep, the effects of stress will continue accumulating. One of the
    questions to ask yourself is whether you’re getting enough sleep, con-
    sidering the amount of stress you have. As you will see, one of the
    symptoms of excess stress is insomnia.

By learning to take control of the various types of stress in your
life, you can improve the quality of your life, reduce the risk of dys-
function and disease, and also help your adrenal glands regulate
stress. Maintaining proper adrenal function is central to optimal fit-
ness and health.

Case History
Dave had numerous complaints — physical, chemical and
mental. A Wall Street executive, he was building a new home
and had spring and fall allergies that nearly incapacitated him
each year. Dave spent more than two weeks making and pon-
dering his stress list. After discussing all the issues with family
and friends, he decided to make some changes. Dave and his
family sold their partially built house, moved to a nicer climate,
and he secured a job with less stress. Though the pay was less,
so were the taxes and other stresses. Within six months, Dave
felt 15 years younger. Even his family was healthier, and they
felt closer.

The Adrenal Glands
No matter what type of stress you encounter during your life journey
— be it physical, chemical or mental/emotional — your body has an
efficient mechanism for coping. This is the important job of the adre-
nal glands. On the top of each kidney, these small glands work with


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