muscular function, to name just some. In addition, patients
must take this medication for many years and avoid alcohol.
These drugs are also contraindicated for children, nursing
mothers and women of childbearing age.
The irony is that the anti-inflammatory actions of these drugs
may be more important than lowering cholesterol. It’s a lot less
expensive and safer to use appropriate dietary and lifestyle
adjustments in combination with omega-3 fat supplementation
to reduce inflammation. Indeed, the American Heart
Association recommends first using more conservative means
before prescribing medication, including the right foods, bal-
anced nutrition and exercise.
Other Nutritional Factors
When the topic of nutrition and the heart comes up, many people still
think taking a vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) supplement is a healthy
habit for their heart. But research shows that the typical dose of vita-
min E, 400 IU, can significantly increase the risk of death! High-dose
vitamin supplements were discussed in Chapter 17. Like other nutri-
ents, food doses of vitamin E are very important for the heart (and the
whole body), but as part of the whole E complex, which includes
three other tocopherols and four tocotrienols.
Lower levels of certain B vitamins can significantly increase your
risk of heart disease. Inadequate folic acid especially, and also vita-
mins B6 and B12, can elevate homocysteine levels in the blood, itself
a significant risk for heart disease. High homocysteine reflects inade-
quate levels of these nutrients. Folic acid may be the most important,
but many people are unable to benefit from synthetic folic acid and
only respond to natural versions as discussed in Chapter 18.
Vitamin D is also important for the heart, with low levels associat-
ed with an increased risk of heart disease. The best source of vitamin
D is from the sun, with fortification of foods being quite inadequate.
Other nutrients are important for optimal heart function, includ-
ing vitamins B1 (thiamin) and B2 (riboflavin), magnesium and many